July 31st

88 3 11

Lauren lays with her head on Joey's chest in her bed. The day had been amazing. The two of them had gone out with all the others for a meal and the two of them watched Hamilton live, both of their favourite shows. They are now watching Joey's favourite film to end his perfect birthday. They are just getting to one of Lauren's favourite parts when the girls kick her stomach extremely hard. She gasps and Joey turns to her, worried. Once the pain passes, Lauren relaxes a bit more. She smiles reassuringly at Joey who turns back to the film. After a while, the same thing happens again but much worse. Lauren can't help but squeak in pain. Joey pauses the film and turns to her*
"Lo? Are you okay?"
Lauren nods but as the pakn continues she shakes her head. She remains silent as the pain goes away, Joey panicking as she does.
"Ah. Fuck. Girls are being really active. That really hurt."
Joey nods.
"you don't think..."
Lauren starts to shake her head but stops. She looks up at Joey with panic in her eyes. She whispers.
"My water just broke"

The couple freeze for a moment before Joey jumps into action. He grabs the hospital bag that was nearby and goes over to help Lauren up, leading her out of the room. Kendall is just on her way to the bathroom and stops to talk to them.
"Are you guys alright?"
Lauren shakes her head and Joey turns to talk to her.
"Hey can you get James... And Dylan? And..."
"Nick" Lauren adds.
"And Nick please"
Kendall nods and heads upstairs as Joey helps Lauren downstairs.

Eventually, Joey and Lauren are in the car with their stuff, on the way to the hospital, James, Dylan and Nick promising to get there ASAP. However, once they hit the highway, they manage to get stuck in traffic.
"Lo, are you good back there?"
"Oh yeah. I'm great" Lauren responds sarcastically. "No Joey. I'm in labour on the passenger seat of a car. I'm not good"
Joey sighs.
"Okay. It just looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while so there might be a chance that you have to have one of the girls here." Lauren groans, Joey continues. "So it's not the best situation but I'll try my best."
Lauren nods, unable to speak due to the pain. Joey sighs and calls Nick.
"Hey Nick. It's Joey. So we're stuck in a fuck ton of traffic and um. Yeah we're kinda stuck and Lauren is in so much pain and I'm just thinking what if we don't get there in time. Anyway, yeah there's the update. What? Oh okay. Cool. Hopefully we'll see you there. Okay. Bye."
He hangs up and updates Lauren.
"They're leaving now from the other exit to avoid the traffic. Okay, so I'm going to call 911, alright?"
Lauren makes an approving but painful noise. Joey presses the gas for a moment before calling.
"Ambulance... Yeah hi. Look so my girlfriend is pregnant and she's in labour but we're stuck in traffic. She's just in a ton of pain, my phone says we are over an hour away, and I don't know what to do. Uh huh? Yeah? Alright thank you so much."
He hangs up.
"Okay they are going to try and send someone over and until then, we're just going to have to hang in there. Is there anything you need?"
Lauren shakes her head before another contraction begins and she scrunches up her face and curls up as much as she can with a huge full term twin sized bump. Joey reaches out his hand and Lauren grasps it immediately. She squeezes it until the contraction eases and looks over to Joey to thank him. He nods before she says anything, his worry clear in his face. Lauren sighs.
"We don't have much longer. It hurts so bad."
Joey nods.
"I know sweetie. I'm going as fast as I can but it's just all blocked up."
Lauren rubs her stomach.
"I know. You're doing great, it just might not be good enough. So much pain and pressure. Babe, I think it's almost time to push."
Joey nods, trying his best to hide his panic. Lauren sighs and tenses up again as yet another contraction comes in. After the pain passes, she relaxes and grabs her phone. She calls Nick quickly. He answers almost immediately.
" Hey Lo. Everything okay? "
"Yeah just an update really. Um well at least one of the girls is going to see the car before the hospital. I'm going to start to get this kid the hell out so um. Yeah. Wish me luck"
She hangs up and lies back in her seat. Taking deep breaths, she prepares herself and clasps Joey's hand for support. Joey holds on as he drives the car a metre or so forward.

Another contraction arrives but this time, Lauren is ready for it. She clings onto Joey hand as she pushes as hard as she can, trying her best not to scream out of agony. Joey just helplessly watches on, holding onto her hand out of support. Lauren eventually gasps for air after the contraction passes. Joey wipes her forehead and gives her a little bit of a half hug. Lauren smiles at him until yet another round of pain arrives. She pushes again, this time failing to stay silent and cries out in pain. Joey winces, half out of sympathy, and half due to how hard she is wringing his hand. As soon as it started, the pain passes again.
"She's certainly coming. I think her head is almost out and then that can hopefully mean that the rest will just come out."
Joey nods.
"I'm so proud of y-"
He's cut off by Lauren groaning with pain. She winces and clasps Joey's hand very tightly then almost screams with pain. Eventually, the contraction ends. She groans then almost immediately curls back up. This time, she completely fails to stay quiet and screams. She stops and simply gasps for air.
"Baby's out"
Joey smiles and reaches for the kid but Lauren stops him.
"Just a moment"
She winces yet again but manages to stay silent. She then turns to Joey and nods to him. He smiles and fishes his daughter from her mother's seat. Lauren groans and lies down to rest before having to push anymore. Joey smiles, looking over to her and cleans her the best he can with his jumper. He then grabs the phone and hits call.
"Hey Nick. Hey Dylan. Hey James. Um so update. Halfway there. Lo is currently focusing on not passing out. I'm currently splitting my focus between the road, making sure Lo is okay and holding our daughter."
There are excited gasps from the other side of the call.
"Oh my god! So she has had one?"
Joey laughs.
"Yeah she has. It's gone well so far I think. You want to say anything Lo?"
Lauren groans and nods.
"Hey guys. Um so yeah. This is fucking torture but at least it gets us daughters. Um so yeah. Just waiting on the contractions to return really. Haven't chosen a name yet, we really should."
Joey nods. James speaks up from the call.
"You've done so well Lo. We're so proud of you."
Lauren smiles but feels yet another contraction so groans slightly due to the pain. Joey notices and nods.
"Alright guys, contractions are back, I think?" She nods. "Alright yeah Lauren's in pain right now so we'll call back."
The others say goodbye and good luck and hang up. Lauren just holds on tightly to the seat. Joey nods. She just waits this one out, wincing. Once it's over she turns to Joey.
"Ready for another one?"
"Yeah... Imma push again."
Joey smiles and gives her a thumbs up. Lauren gives him a weak smile before scrunching her face up.

After a few more pushes, Lauren is passed out in the passenger seat, holding the older of her twin daughters. Joey is smiling, holding the other, younger, twin and, finally turning away from the traffic. He smiles at his phone as Nick answers the call.
"Two girls"
There are more awed gasps.
"Is Lo there?"
"Yeah but she passed out. She's alright though. Just exhausted. Finally at the hospital. We're going to go straight in. Where abouts are you?"
"Waiting area"
"Alright great. Um. Can you get out here please? I'll take Lo, just need someone to take the girls and someone to take the car"
"Alright. On our way. Are you just pulling in?"
"Okay great. See you in a couple minutes."

A few minutes later, James and Nick are each holding a baby girl, Joey carrying Lauren by himself and Dylan driving away to the car park in Joey's car.

Around half an hour later, Lauren is laid in a hospital bed, in hospital clothes, asleep. Joey is at her side, talking to the doctors and nurses and holding one of the babies, the other being on Lauren's lap. Nick, Dylan and James all went back to update the others and also to sleep. Next to Joey, the clock reads 03:52 am. He smiles at Lauren. A couple seconds later, a nurse comes into the room. She smiles and takes both twins, checks on Lauren and leaves. Joey smiles then proceeds to fall asleep.

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