22nd December

122 6 13

2 weeks have passed since the party. Mariah and Angela are now official. Angela came out as a Lesbian encouraging the conversation towards sexualities. Many people Kendall had no idea about came out such as Joey, Robert and Jon all coming out as Bisexual and Mriah as Pansexual. It is drawing close to Christmas as the festive spirit rises. To Nick's dismay, Lauren insisted on a Christmas tree so there is a huge, towering tree in the corner,decorated with assortments of baubles and tinsel. The lights from the party are now strung up on the ground floor. Altogether, it looks very joyful.

They are playing a very competitive game of monopoly. Angela had bought 1/3 of the board leaving the remaining 7 players scrambling for the rest. It is Kendall's go. She moves her thimble onto Bond Street.
"Welcome to hotel Angela! That will be 390 please."
"Wait, no. That was only 5. You rolled a 6. You are on Liverpool Street station. Who has that?" Jon points out.
"I do!" screams Lauren. "50 please!"
"I had to sell that to her didn't I?" exclaims Jaime.
The next token to move is the Wheelbarrow. Robert moves it along 8 spaces to.... Go to Jail.
"Yet another crime? Jesus Rob, you're lucky you're not getting the death sentence. How many crimes is that now? 9?"
"10." Robert mutters under his breath. Jon smirks.

There is a knock at the door. James answers it.
"Meredith? What's wrong?"
The players turn to see a sobbing Meredith being invited inside. Jaime and Lauren jump up, their competitveness gone.
"Mere, what happened?"
"It's Brian. I haven't seen him all day. He wasn't there when I woke up. I'm just so worried about him. I have called him so many times but he never answers."
"Mere, I promise you, he is fine."
"But what if he isn't."
"He is. OK? You're going to get home and he will be there."
Meredith's phone pings. She checks it quickly and sighs with relief.
"He will be home in 20 minutes."
"There you go. You should head off, it'll take you 15 minutes yourself."
Meredith smiles and leaves them to their game.
"OK. Who's go is it? Jon?"

Meredith hears the door. She looks up hopefully and gasps. Brian has a small bundle out of fur in his hands. He puts her down at their feet.
"I thought Zazz could use a friend."
Meredith laughs and hugs him. Their dog, Zazzalil comes to them.
"Look, Zazz. This is Jemila."
Jemila looks afraid of the fully grown dog towering over her.
"I was so worried."
"I'm sorry. There was a ton of traffic both there and back."
Meredith smiles and both her and Brian head over to the couch to settle Jemila in.

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