Closing Night

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Kendall exits the balcony using the left stairs and goes round to the sofas.
"We should really celebrate. Everyone up for tradition?" Jeff asks. Everyone but the new members nod.
"What's tradition?" Curt inquires.
"We have a party at rehearsal space on closing night. I think?"
Jon looks relieved when Robert nods.
"It always looks so beautiful!" Jaime exclaims.
"I'm in!" Kendall replies, quickly followed by everybody else agreeing. Then, everyone but Kim, Dylan and Kendall go to change into their next costumes.

The clock goes 7 as Kendall bounces out of her room. She is wearing a nice dress with her small black flats. She turns, locks the door to ensure no one comes into her room and heads downstairs to the party. She gasps as she steps down the last few stairs. The rehearsal room has been decked out. There are fairy lights, fluffy white beanbags and a drink and food area. Kendall smiles as she collapses on a bean bag. Jon and Robert are arguing over the best superhero, Jaime and Angela are over at the snack table with Jeff, James, Dylan and Corey discussing future projects in the corner. Curt and Kim are dancing in the designated section. Jaime and Angela head over to where Kendall is sat and she joins their conversation. Lauren and Joey join the group. Nick enters and makes an announcement.

"Jeff, James and I are so proud of you guys for making this run special. So enjoy yourself, but before you do... We have some special guests."

Nick opens the basement door and everybody screams at the sight of the newcomers. Meredith, Brian, Mariah and two guys I don't recognize enter. Jaime squeals with excitement and embraces one of them passionatly. The other sits next to James and they share a quick, loving peck. Kendall freaks and screams
"OMG Meredith! You're so talented!"
"You are yourself, Ms. Yakshe."
Angela leaps, supposedly onto Maria's back but they collapse on top of Dylan. Everyone laughs as they all settle down.

2 hours later, most people are either drunk or long gone. Kendall remembers that Lauren, Andrew, Kim, Curt and herself were all going to remain sober. She wonders how many of them still are. Meredith and. Brian went home a little while ago while Mariah, Jaime, Angela, Kim, Andrew and Curt are still in the Manor. Lauren is currently having a dancing contest with the boys. It is obvious how drunk everyone is. Lauren spots Kendall watching and heads over.
"It's always fun when you're sober and everyone else is drunk. I wouldn't recommend you try for a while, though. Jon is the drunk lecture type." Kendall laughs as Lauren returns to the boys. Jeff is quite obviously drunk, as are Joey, Dylan, Robert, Jon and Nick. Kendall excuses herself for bed, bidding goodnight to the only 3 sober; Lauren, James and 'Cap'.

Kendall starts to feel nervous as she makes her way upstairs. She has never been here during a party before. The ground floor is silent. As is the first floor, with everyone who stays there being downstairs. However, Kendall can hear some of the girls. She avoids Jamie's side of the hallway and instead heads to her room. Giggles come from Angela's room followed by a silence. Kendall looks in on her way past. Whatever she thought she would see, it wasn't this. Mariah and Angela are wrapped around each other, kissing passionately. They don't seem to realise she's there so she manages to unlock her door and collapse onto her bed, falling asleep instantly.

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