XXII - Music's the way to the heart

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He was a darling who would
walk in like a swoop of fresh breeze.
A span of rain amidst the dry summer.
His eyes wove beauty into the words he belted out.
He checked up on everyone.
Never missing a birthday
nor an anniversary.
Over conversations of music and madness,
I found in him, pieces of my lost self.

He wasn't afraid of anything.
Didn't even shudder when people hurled abuses at him,
he would often make faces if
I ever was caught frowning.
He believed that the mouth should
be used for
'more smiling than talking',
he never failed in hitting a high note,
his voice, as beautiful as a dolphin.
We made magic on stage,
stealing glances as the audience looked on,
those deliberate touches while putting away instruments,
those times when back alleys became such a favorite of mine,
those hidden smiles as our eyes met,
those small gestures to make sure we aren't just another forgotten love story.

Maybe in those stolen seconds,
And those veiled 'I love you's,
we found ourselves battling
against people.

But it didn't matter today,

as today was the day we first met
and as usual, he was a little late,
never be tied down to things, not even time.
was his absurd logic,
but as the guy walked in like a
swoop of fresh breeze,
time stood as I saw him
right in between the chaos,
giving me that lazy smile
and it was all the assurance I needed to know that it didn't matter
if I too
mirrored his gender.

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