III - You're married to me in my head

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My eyes sift through

the barrage of emotions

beneath yours,

I keep the love for me

and discard

everything else.

The world I create
in my mind has a beautiful yellow-doored house,
April wind choosing to fly our side today.
You hold me in your arms from behind me.
What felt like skin,
is now home.

Your whispers against my hair are
I can feel my back against your heart.
It's beating,

to mine.

I hear the birds around.

And just for a moment,
a little moment,

I forget

all the things that anchor me down,
all the memories that hurt like freshly opened wounds,
and all the scars that don't seem to be healing.

The starry nights
and your clothes in my wardrobe still remind me of you,
I have no qualms,
nor any regrets.

Your smile still makes me want to form one of my own,
my books and screens still harbour your name.

I am still in love.

I believe you will come back,

but I don't trust you will.

They say,

"True love meets someday, maybe not in this time, maybe in another."

But darling, what was time to a love like ours?

I lost you, our story turned a little sideways,maybe forever.

But I really want you to know.

if I could waste my entire heart on someone all over again,
it'd still be you.

It has always been you.

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