IV - Glossy lips say no lie

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The best way to love someone
is to unlike them first.

Find them dropping coffee all over
your favourite couch.

Get your fingers tangled
in their uncombed nest hair.

Let them come on a date
with you,
without any alterations or makeup.
The real, stripped version.

Find them picking their nose,
in the midst of your movie session.

Get to know the raw bone
behind all the flat stomachs
and toned legs.

Let them fall on the stairs amidst you walking in a mall.
Let people see, pierce their gazes at you.

Watch them stammer,
while talking to your parents.

Hold their shivering self,
when a night was too hard.

Catch them off guard at home,
in mismatched pyjamas,
dark bags and shallow cheeks.

Let all your lust fade away,
scrap by scrap,
thread by thread.

Instead, let love sew them in.
Because the best way to truly love someone
is to unlike them first.

Because the best way to truly love someone is to unlike them first

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