Stephanie Tanner- "calm down, you're not going to school after yesterday."

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Storyline: Stephanie is your mom, you've been really distant with everyone because you've been suffering from severe depression and anxiety, but nobody knows that. Your mom walks in on you having a panic attack.

⚠️small TW⚠️

Your POV:

"How was your day, sweetie?" Mom asks and kisses my head.

"It was fine." I say as I walk up the stairs.

Today was even worst then yesterday, I'm not getting bullied or anything, I actually have a lot of friends and I'm quite popular. But it was worst because I had an unexpected test, I ruined it so my mom is gonna be so disappointed in me.

I run to my room and lock the door, I plop down on my bed and start crying.

"Y/n, do you wanna go to the movies with me and Rocky?" Ramona asks.

"Uhm no, I have homework, sorry." I say.

"Don't worry, let me know if you change your mind, we're leaving in 20 minutes." She says before walking away again.

"Y/n, your test results came in." Mom says, I can hear the disappointment in her voice.

I quickly wipe my tears away and make it look like I'm okay. I open the door for her, she sighs and walks in.

"Why do you have a D?" She asks.

"Because it was an unexpected test, he didn't tell anyone about this, I couldn't have studied for it." I say.

"But you could have paid attention in class." She says.

"I try to, but I have adhd mom, it's hard to for me to focus." I say.

"I understand that, but just try harder next time." She says and leaves my room again.

"I tried, I really did." I whisper to myself.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Nothing, I'm sorry." I say before closing the door, locking it shortly after.

I cry for almost the entire day, I didn't eat dinner, but of course nobody noticed, they were busy congratulating Max on his test results, while I was sitting there with my D minus, my mom was really disappointed in me and I couldn't help but beat myself up even more.

It was almost 1 am and I couldn't sleep, I went to the bathroom and sat on the floor.

I thought everything trough and started having a panic attack.

"Y/n? Where are you?" I hear my mom ask. I wanted to answer but I couldn't even breath normally. "Y/n? What's wrong?" She asks and kneels down in front of me.

"C-Can't b-breathe." I stutter and look down.

"You can, look at me baby." She says and lifts my head up with her fingers. "Copy me."

I copied her breathing and calmed down after awhile. She scooped me up in her arms and stroked my hair, I must've fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed, at 11 in the morning.

I shot up in bed and ran downstairs.

"Calm down, you're not going to school after yesterday." Mom says and kisses my head.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

"You had a panic attack sweetie, that's not nothing." Dj says.

"You told them?" I ask and look over at mom.

"I did, they told me they've noticed a lot of change in your behavior." She says and takes my hand, she leads me to the table and sits me down.

"You've been pushing all of us away, maybe you're just stressed but maybe it's something else?" Kimmy asks.

I sigh and look down.

"What's going on with you?" Mom asks and sits down next to me.

"Everything that I used to love doesn't excite me anymore, nothing does. I don't have any motivation for school or anything else, I just want to lay in bed all day and cry, that's what I do, almost everyday and I'm never really hungry anymore." I explain.

"Sweetie, those are almost all of the signs of depression." Mom says and rubs my back.

"Maybe you should go to a therapist, or a doctor?" Kimmy suggests. I sigh and look at my mom.

"That's probably best." She says. I nod, she sadly smiles and pulls me on her lap.

I smile and wrap my arms around her neck, I lay my head in the crook of her neck as she starts running her hands trough my hair.

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