Jade Thirlwall- scared

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Storyline: your mum is never home, you were practically raised by her boyfriends and it gave you a lot of trauma. They were almost always mean to you, even abusive most of the time and your mom didn't even notice. It made you feel like she didn't care about you, now you don't trust her and don't tell her anything. One night she notices how scared of her you are and asks about it.


You and your mum were sat at the dinner table. Not saying anything just staring at your food.

"How was your day?" Jade asks out of nowhere.

"Uhm it was fine, yours?" You mumble, your voice just above whisper.

"It was good." She smiles. "Jordan told me you didn't go to school today, why is that?"

"Oh I-I just wasn't feeling well." You say, looking down at your plate and continuing to play with the food on it.

"Are you sick?" She asks and lifts her hand to feel your forehead, only for you to flinch away from her.

She went silent and dropped her hand.

You looked down at your lap and started playing with your fingers while Jade was trying to find the right thing to say.

"Y/n, why did you flinch? You know I would never hit you." She says and lays her hand on your back making you tense up. "Are you scared of me?"

"No, I-I'm sorry." You say, starting to tear up a little from fear.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jade asks, keeping her hands to herself, scared that you would flinch again, scared that you were scared of her.

"Nothing." You say and turn your head away from her.

"What's going on? You can tell me." She says softly and carefully grabs your hand.

"It's nothing mum." You lie and walk to your room.

She decided to give you some space until you were ready to come and talk to her. Which you did after 20 minutes. You saw your mum sitting on the couch while staring at the tv.

"Hi baby." She smiles softly. It's been years since she called you that so it was kind of weird to hear her say that.

You started to tear up again and Jade saw the tears swim in your eyes. She sadly smiled and patted the place on the couch next to her.

You sighed and sat down. After a couple minutes you laid your head down on her shoulder, being absolutely terrified but you wanted to see if you could trust her.

She smiled and kissed your head before wrapping her arms around you.

"What's going on baby?" She asks, in a whisper.

"Uhm well your exes, they-they were mean." You whisper back. You started to explain what they would do to you and she immediately held you closer. She started apologizing a million times,
you tried to cut her off and calm her down but she just kept apologizing and there was nothing you could do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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