Clarke Griffin- she has to lock you up, because you got chipped by Allie

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Storyline: you're Clarke's daughter and you got chipped by Allie. You were in Arkadia and you thought you were alone, until Raven, Octavia, your mom, Emori, Murphy, Bellamy, Harper and Monty walk in.


"Good job Y/n, now-"

Allie gets interrupted by the door opening.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, standing up from the chair behind the desk.

Nobody answers, Clarke nods at Bellamy and Murphy, they grab you by your arms and pull you into a room.

"What are you doing?!" You yell as they step out and lock the door.

There was a small window in the door, you look trough it, seeing your mom crying and the rest looking sad.

"Let me out!" You yell, banging on the door. Clarke walks towards the door and looks trough the window.

"Mom, please let me out." You stutter, your voice breaking at every word.

"It's for your own safety sweetie." She says, you turn around.

"You did this to me!" You yell, looking at Allie.
You walk towards her and punch her in the face, forgetting that she's not real.

"I'm never gonna forgive you! I hate all of you!" You yell. It wasn't you talking of course, but it still hurt all of them.

"Y/n, you have to get out of here so you can upload the files to the city of light, you have to hurt yourself." Allie says, you nod at her and look around.

You walk to the wall opposite from the door and start punching it repeatedly, the door opens almost immediately.

You turn around in a swift motion and swipe Bellamy and Murphy from their feet.

You run to the computer and click "enter" but before it could download all the way Clarke destroys the computer.

"No! Stop! Let me go!" I yell, kicking your legs as Raven and Echo hold you back.

"There's another computer upstairs." Allie says, you elbow Echo in the stomach and run towards the stairs.

"I'm sorry." Clarke says, before you could say or do something you felt a needle in your neck and everything went black.


You wake up tide up against the stairs.

"Are you almost done?" Clarke asks and looks at Raven. She was sitting behind the computer, you were upstairs with the rest.

"Where are you Y/n? You need to tell me where you are, then I can send Jasper, Jaha and Kane to help you." Allie says.

"I think I'm in-"

You get cut off by Octavia covering your mouth, you bite her finger. Octavia let's go and puts a piece of cloth in your mouth.

Allie disappears leaving you behind with your mom, Echo, Bellamy, Murphy, Emori, Octavia, Raven, Monty and Harper.

"Allie is almost gone." Raven says, looking at the computer.

It was 90 procent there, you try to get out of the tight grip of the tape, but Octavia was staring at you.

"She's gonna be okay Clarke." Octavia says, hugging your mom.

This gave you a change to escape, you quietly shifted out of the tape and stood up. You creeped over to a couple off boxes and hid behind them.

"Shit." Octavia mutters under her breath.

"Y/n? Where are you?" Your mom asks.

You grab a sword out of one of the boxes and walk towards Clarke.

But before you could do anything, Echo tackles you on the floor and pins you down.

Then everything went black.

Clarke's POV:

"Why is she unconscious?" I ask.

"Allie was already downloaded to level 2." Raven says while looking at the computer. Echo stands up and flips her over, I search for a pulse, but can't find one.

"No, Y/n, please stay with me." I start giving her CPR, everyone is already crying.

"Come on Y/n." I beg. A couple minutes later she still hasn't woken up.

"Clarke." Raven says. I slowly stand up, looking at my daughters lifeless body.

"No, we can't give up." Echo says. Y/n was like Echo's little sister, Echo has always protected her with her life.


"No Bellamy, I'm not giving up on her." She says and starts giving her CPR again.

"Can't we take it out?" I ask, looking at Jackson.

He looks around and grabs a scalpel, Echo stands up. Jackson flips her around and grabs her hair, he puts it on her shoulder and cuts the back of her neck open. He carefully grabs the AI and trows it away, he flips Y/n back around and stands up.

Y/n sits up with a gasp. I sigh out in relief and hug her tightly.

"We thought you were dead." Echo smiles and hugs her as I let go.

"Well I'm clearly not." Y/n jokes.

"There is the sarcastic Y/n we love." Raven smiles and almost tackles her on the floor.

"Assuming that you saved my live." Y/n say, making Raven chuckle.

"I'm at your surface." Raven says as they let go.

Bellamy walked over to Y/n but was walking a little funny.

"What happened to you?" She asks as they hug as well.

"Well you kinda kicked mine and Murphy's ass." Bellamy smiles, Y/n pulls away with wide eyes.

"Did I hurt any of you? I'm sorry if I-"

"You didn't hurt anyone, Allie only hurt a couple of us." I reassure her and cup her face with my hands.

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