Alerrie- I'm here too.. part 2

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Storyline: you and your parents got way closer and for once it felt like they truly cared about you, until your mom gave birth to a girl, Lily. Your parents are starting to become distant because of the baby again. They're starting to forget about you again.

Your POV:

"Mum?" I ask as I walk in the house.

"We're in here!" Mom yells from the living room.

"Mum, you were gonna pick me up." I say as I walk in the living room. "Oh I see." I mumble under my breath as I see her and the girls playing with Lily.

"Sorry y/n, we were just a little busy with this sweet girl." She says in a baby voice and looks at Lily again.

I feel like crying, me and my parents where finally close again. Trough the whole pregnancy I was the one taking care of mum, But now this little rat is here and they don't care anymore.

"I have a game can you take me?" I ask.

"No sorry sweetie." She says not even looking me in the eyes.

"Where's dad?" I ask. She doesn't answer she just continues playing with Lily.

I decide to just look myself then, after awhile I find him in the garden working out.

"Hey dad." I smile, my smile slowly goes away when he doesn't hear me.

"Oh hey y/n, didn't see you there." He says after awhile.

"Can you take me to the game?" I ask.

"Sorry I still have 1 hour left on this thing." He says. I sigh as I walk back in the house.

"Y/n?" I hear Jesy ask.

"Yes?" I ask back and put my phone away.

"Hey, I've been noticing that your parents are really busy now with Lily, but I'm sure they still love you the way they used to." She smiles.

"Thanks Jes, it's just hard that after 14 years of feeling like you're invisible your parents finally see you again. You take care of your mum trough out the whole pregnancy, then the baby comes and your not there anymore." I sigh.

"I know, I'll talk to your mum about this." She smiles.

"You don't have to." Mum says and comes from the living room.

"Oh uhm I-I didn't know you were listening." I stutter.

"Sweetie why didn't you tell me you felt like this, of course we love you. We always did but with our work. It's just really difficult, but now that we just got back from tour and your dad is injured, we have time for you and Lily." She smiles.

"Thanks mum but I have to get ready." I smile.

"Go." She smiles. I quickly change and then I leave the house. After about 10 minutes I get there and already see Sam waiting for me.

"Hey." She smiles before hugging me.

"Hey." I smile back and pull away.

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