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Taehyung P.O.V.
As I got in my industry, everyone I passed greeted me. They also gave me some weird looks. I just greeted them back and went inside my office. As I went in, my secretary was already in there waiting for me.

"Good morning Ta- um what happened to your neck?" asked my secretary, Park Jimin.

"What about me neck?" I asked back confusingly.

"Um.. it has like red/purple-ish marks." he replied back. Then it hit me!

"Oh shii! I forgot, how do I hide them now Chim! Help me! That's why this morning my employees gave me weird looks." I said frustrated. Jimin just laughed.

"Calm down Tae, it's not that bad. So tell me what happened yesterday." he said with a smirk and a raised brow.

"Um... so you know how I love Jungkook." he nodded.

"Well, yesterday his girlfriend, or ex girlfriend cheated on him, and he was heart broken. He went to a bar and got really drunk. I got a call from the bartender who works there and went to pick him up. I then brought him to my house, and he wanted to marry me. After first I said no because he was drunk, but he constantly wouldn't stop asking, so I agreed."

"So now I'm married to him, and this morning, he was in rage because now he's married to me. I shouted back at him and um.. let's just say he wasn't happy about that. He then um you know... did this." I said while pointing to my neck. Jimin listened to every word I said and laughed.

"Damn Tae! You're so lucky for marrying the person you love."

"Yeah but I wasn't ready for marriage yet.." I said with a pout.

"Aigoo! Don't pout. Just be a good husband and he'll love you back. Also you're his best friend, it should be easy because you both know each other." said Jimin. I just nodded. 

"How come I can feel that he's going to make my life miserable?" I said to myself, but Jimin heard.

"If he does, just come to my house. I'll be there for you Tae. You're not alone in this. Trust me!" replied Jimin.

I smiled at him with my famous boxy smile, and he also smiled back with his famous eye smile. We then went to work on our files.

Jungkook P.O.V.
"Yuna... why do I still miss you? Why do I still love you after all you did to me." I said to myself. I sighed and held my chest, where it was paining. "Why Yuna.." I started to think about our happy memories.
"Why did you throw all of our memories away." I thought while crying.

Soon we reached Jeon Industry. I got out of the car with red eyes, and walked inside. I quickly went in the elevator as my employees greeted me. I soon reached my level and got inside my office.

As I sat down in my office, the images of Yuna started to float through my mind. Tears slowly drip down my cheeks. I was so lost in my thoughts until my door opened. I quickly wiped my tears and acted professional.

"Here J- were you crying?" asked Namjoon, my secretary.

"No hyung, I just got dust in my eyes." I said with a smile that didn't reach my eyes. He just sighed and handed me the files that I told him to check.

"It looks good." he said.

"Thanks hyung." and he got out of my office. I sighed and put the files in my drawer.

"I don't want to expose my marriage with Taehyung to the public, so we'll just be kept a secret, but I guess I could tell my hyungs." I then got back to work.

Taehyung P.O.V.
It was now 6:45 pm, and my industry closes at 7:00 pm. I left early because I wanted to prepare dinner for Jungkook.

Yes I know that he doesn't love me like how I love him, but the least I could do is be a good husband since we're already married. And before we got married, we were best friends.

I then reached Jungkook's house and opened it with my spare key. I then started to make dinner. I also need to talk to Jungkook about moving into his house since we are married now.

Time Skip
I finished cooking and set the table. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was already 7:03 pm.

"Jungkook should be home soon" I said to myself. I patiently waited for him. I waited and waited until it was 9:45 pm.

"Where is he?! 2 hours have past already?" I asked with worry. I quickly called him.

Ringing... ringing... ringing... declined.

I looked at my phone in disbelief.

"For reals?!" I whispered shouted. I tried again.

Ringing, ringing, ringing...

"Hello?" answered a girls voice. I opened my eyes wide. I pulled the phone away a little.

"Did I just hear a girl voice?" I whispered.

"Hello? Anyone there?" asked the same voice from the other side. I cleared my throat.

"Um yes, how do you have Jungkook's phone?" I asked the girl.

"Who are you to ask this?" asked the girl. I felt raged at her words.

"I'm his husband. Who are you?!" I asked back madly.

"You're his husband? Ahah that's funny. He told me that he was single and didn't have anyone. How could you be his husband huh. You asked who I am? Well, let's just say that I'm the girl who pleasures your "husband"." replied the girl saying husband with a provoking tone. I felt more angered.

"Is Jungkook near?" I asked.

"Yes, but he's sleeping. I pleasured him so well that we did it 3 rounds." she said with a smirk.

"Ok. That's all I wanted to ask. Goodbye." and I hung up the call.

Taehyung P.O.V.
I was so upset and mad at Jungkook. How could he cheat on me?! Yes he was drunk when he asked me to marry him, but he was the one to ask me. So why Kook... why did you have to hurt me. Does hurting me satisfy you?

I quickly grabbed my keys, locked his front door, and drove to my house. As I reached there, tears already streamed down my cheeks. I got inside my house and locked the door. I then ran to my room and shut the door.

"Why Kook. Why did you have to hurt me... I didn't do anything to deserve this. If you didn't love me, you could've just divorced me. I would've agreed, but why did you have to cheat on me? Once I meet you again, I'll confront you and put you in your place." I said as I dozed off the sleep with tears still streaming down my face.

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