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Jungkook P.O.V.
I don't know why I was being so mean to Taehyung. I never meant a word I said to him at the end. I was just so much in my feelings after meeting Yuna today.

When she brought up our past promises, I just felt so broken. I didn't mean to take it out on Taehyung, but what's done is done. And when Taehyung told me how I literally pleaded him for another chance, that just hit hard. I realized that I was wrong and need to apologize to him immediately.

I grabbed my keys and phone and ran out of my industry. I quickly got in my car and drove straight home. As I reached my house, I quickly ran inside.

"Taehyung! Baby where are you! Taehyung!!" I ran everywhere in the house. I'm so glad that it was only a one story house and not two, or else my legs would be even more tired.

As I looked everywhere, I couldn't find him. I then ran inside our room and checked for his belongings, and to my horror, they weren't there. All his clothes, shoes, and laptop wasn't there. I was beyond scared.

"Did you really leave me Tae? Why? Was I too mean? I'm so sorry baby... please c-come back to m-me." I said as I completely broke down. I quickly reached for my phone and dialed his number.

Ringing... ringing... ringing... decline. I tried again.

Ringing... ringing... ringing... decline. I sighed and tried again.

Ringing... ri-

"Hello?" said a male from the other side.

"Who are you? Why do you have my husband's phone!" I shouted at the male.

"I am Jimin, Taehyung's friend/employee. What do you want Jungkook?!" asked Jimin annoyed.

"Where is my husband. I'm going to bring him back home now. Tell me where you guys are!" I demanded. Jimin just laughed at me.

"You really think I'll tell you where he is after what you did to him. Haha, in your dreams. My Taetae here deserves a better mannered person than you. You knew that he is pregnant, yet you walked away from him. And now that he's gone, you're looking for him. Nah uh, that's not how this works. I'll tell him that you called in the morning, as of right now, he's sleeping peacefully while cuddling me." and Jimin ended the call.

I was angry and upset with myself. If only I didn't yell at him. I should've known that he was sensitive since he is pregnant, yet I still took my anger out on him. Jimin is right. He deserves someone better than me. A person who knows how to treat him well, and not make him cry when he's pregnant.

"I'm so sorry Tae baby... please.. come back to me. I promise to change. I swear this time... please. I never meant to say those things to you. Those things that I said weren't true. Please, I never wanted you to leave me. Come back home... to me baby.." I kept crying and pleading until I remembered that I'm a CEO. I can track down the phone location because he's my husband and I have every right to do that.

So I quickly grabbed my keys and drove off to the police station. When I reached there, I ran to the front desk and asked if they can locate this location.

They took the phone and went inside a room. I waited for 1 hour and they finally came out.

"Ok sir, the location is at XD Street and the house address is 2006." said the police men.

"Alright thank you." and I took my phone and left from there. I then drove to the address said.

Taehyung P.O.V.
Next Morning
I woke up with arms around my waist. I thought it was Jungkook... so I snuggled more into him.

As I realized that the man in snuggling with has a different smell, I looked up at him and see that it's Jimin. I sighed and slowly got up. I feel bad for dragging Jimin into my problem. I went into his kitchen and start to cook breakfast.

As I started, a felt two arms around my waist. I giggled.
"Chim, what are you doing? When did you wake up? Stop and take a seat over there, I'll quickly make breakfast ok?" as I finished talking, I turned around and saw someone I didn't want to see. His face was mad and happy, he had a smirk on, and his eyes were red.

"Oh baby... I'm not your Chim, I am your husband. I didn't even sleep last night because I was waiting for you on the couch, and I won't stop hugging you because you're mine and I miss you." said Jungkook with a raspy voice. When he finished talking, I tried to get out of his grip.

"Let me go Jungkook! Let me go! Jeon Jungkook! Let me go! Ok, if you don't let me go, I'll scream for Jiminie." I said looking at him. He just shrugged his shoulders and held me tighter. I grew more angry. He thinks that after all that happened yesterday, he can just come and do this to me?!

"YAH! LET G-" he then smashed his lips onto mine. He kissed them like there was no tomorrow.

"Mmh!! Mmmhhh!" I screamed through the kiss. I kept hitting and punching his chest hard, but he didn't budge. I was starting to lose oxygen, so I tried to move away, from he pulled me closer. Finally, after 2 minutes, he let me go. I was panting.

"Jung-kook! I h-hate you! You t-think that after all y-you've said yesterday would be f-forgiven easily?! NEVER! I was d-dumb to give you a chance back then, and now you also don't want this kid? Well guess what! We also don't need you! I HATE YOU! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you *sobbing*" Since he wouldn't let me go, I kept crying and hitting his chest telling him that I hate him. He just smiles at me.

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