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*warning, sexual content

No One P.O.V.
"Ahh~ Kook~" moaned Taehyung as Jungkook grind both of their bottom parts together.

"Mmh~ Hah~ Kook~"

"Yes baby~ ugh~" groaned Jungkook.

Taehyung looks into Jungkook's eyes and he can see love and lust. Jungkook then kissed Taehyung passionately. He then pulls away and takes off their clothes. Taehyung blushes as this is his first time being fully naked in front of Jungkook.

"Wow baby, you have such a beautiful body." complimented Jungkook. Taehyung blushes more. He looks down at Jungkook's length and his eyes grow wide.

"Kook... yo-your thing *points at his length* it's too big" says Taehyung. Jungkook smirks with pride.

"Don't worry baby, it'll fit." and they both go back to kissing each other. Jungkook then trails his kiss down Taehyung's neck, to his collarbone, then down his stomach. He then kisses Tae's inner thighs and slightly brushes his length.

"Ahh~ Kook"

Jungkook then trails down to Taehyung's hole. He places a kiss there and looks up at Taehyung for permission. Taehyung nods and Jungkook starts to eat out Taehyung's hole.

"Ahh! Ugh~ Kook! T-to fa-fast~ ahh! Sl-slow do-wn! Ahh~" moans Taehyung. Jungkook keeps eating Tae's hole until Taehyung feels like he needs to pee.

"Kook~ st-stop! I-I need t-to p-pee!" says Taehyung out of breath. Jungkook doesn't stop and Taehyung starts to squirm around. Jungkook holds Taehyung's thighs so that he can stop moving.

"Kook! I-I re-real-really nee-d to~ ahhh!" Taehyung arch's his back as he reaches his climax. Jungkook stops eating Tae's hole and moves up to his length. He then licks and swallows Taehyung's cum. He also sucks Tae's dick, which brings more pleasure to Taehyung.

"Please Kook~ start already." pleads Taehyung. Jungkook stops sucking Tae's dick. He tells Tae to suck 3 of his fingers. Tae starts to suck it seductively, and Jungkook licks his lips.

"Baby, don't test me right now." and pulls his fingers out from Taehyung's mouth. He slowly inserts one of his fingers into Tae's hole.

"Ahh~ Kook~ hurts" squirms Taehyung.

"Shhh... the pain will go away soon ok baby. Endure it a bit more." Taehyung nods his head. Jungkook then inserts his second finger, then third, and by this time, Taehyung starts to feel pleasure.

"Kook! Ahh~ faster. Mmh." moans Taehyung. Jungkook takes out his fingers. Taehyung whines at the loss touch.

"I think you're ready baby." and Jungkook pumps his length, and aligns himself with Taehyung's hole. He slowly starts to push in. Taehyung sucks in his breath and holds onto the bed sheet.

"Baby relax... you're too tight." and Taehyung breathes in and out. Jungkook is now fully inside of Taehyung, and is waiting for Taehyung to tell him to move.

After 1 minute, Taehyung nods his head and Jungkook slowly starts to push in and out. Soon he picks up his pace as he sees Taehyung enjoying it.

"Ahh~ Kook! Yes~ ri-right the-re. Ahh~" Jungkook then starts to slam on Tae's prostate.

"Fuck! Kook!" shouts Taehyung. "Fuck! I-I'm go-gonna c-cum!"

"Me t-too baby. W-wait for m-me." replies Jungkook.

After a few more thrust, Jungkook let's his sperm inside of Taehyung and Taehyung cums on his stomach. Jungkook stops so that Taehyung can catch his breath.

"How do you fee baby?" asks Jungkook.
"I f-feel goo-d." replies Taehyung. Jungkook was still inside of Tae, so when Jungkook slightly pushed his dick, Tae moaned. His moan turned Jungkook back on, and now he's hard again.

"Oh baby... you just woke up the devil with your sexy moan." says Jungkook slowly shaking his head with a smirk. Taehyung just sighs and covers his eyes with his arm.

"Ready for round 2 Tae?" asks Jungkook.

"Just get it over with." replies Taehyung.

And just like that, they made love for another 2 rounds. In the middle of 3 round, Taehyung passed out.

Jungkook cums for the last time inside of Taehyung and let's it stay inside for 1 minute to catch his breath. He then pulls out and cleans Tae and himself. Then he pulls the cover over their bodies and fell into a deep slumber.

Next Morning
Taehyung wakes up feelings all sore. He turns to his left and sees Jungkook sleeping peacefully. Taehyung slightly turns to his left and lightly touches his face.

"You're so cute and handsome when you're sleeping. I love you Kook." whispered Taehyung. Jungkook soon starts to stir and Taehyung closes his eyes. Jungkook wakes up and looks at Tae.

"What an angel." and kisses Tae's forehead.
Taehyung gives a small smile and lightly blushes.

"I know you're awake Tae." and Taehyung opens one of his eye. He smiles at Jungkook, and Jungkook chuckles at the scene.

"Good morning Kook." says Taehyung lightly.

"Morning Tae. How are you feeling?" asks Jungkook.

"I don't know. What do you expect me to feel?" replied Taehyung teasingly.

"Maybe you should feel wrecked out since I wrecked you until you passed out yesterday." teased Jungkook back. Taehyung blushed and hit Jungkook lightly on his chest.

Taehyung tried to get up, but he couldn't feel his legs. He starts to fake cry.

"What's wrong baby?" asks Jungkook worriedly.

"You! Why did you wreck me so hard. I told you it was my first time, so why Jungkook. Now I can't feel my legs." complained Tae with a pout. Jungkook chuckled at kissed Tae's cheek.

"What a crybaby. I'm sorry for going too hard. I promise next time I'll be gentle." says Jungkook genuinely. Taehyung glares at him with a pout.

"There won't be a next time." and yanks the blanket off of him.

"Now pick me up to go to the bathroom." and Jungkook complied.

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