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Taehyung P.O.V.
I woke up with blurry vision. I looked around my surroundings, and realized that I was in a room.

"Huh? How did I get here? I remember being in my car." I said to myself.

I then tried to get up, but my head felt dizzy. I think it's because I cried a lot. As I was thinking on how I got here, I heard the door open. I looked towards the door.

"Oh! You're awake." said Jungkook with a smile.

"What are you doing here." I asked with a glare.

"Well... I went to my car to grab a file, and saw your car. I then went to see why it was still there in the parking lot and found you unconscious with high fever, so I took you to my house." he told me.

"I never asked for you help. I would rather die than be here living with the truth that my "HUSBAND" cheated on me while I was trying to be a good husband." I replied with a broken voice.

Some tears escaped my eyes. I was looking into his eyes as I said those words, and I can see guilt in his eyes.

"Look Tae... I can explain." he said slowly.

"Ok fine. Explain quickly." I said irritated.

"So you see, that day I was done with my work
in the office. It was already evening, so as I got out of my building, I walked into the parking lot. As I reached my car, this girl asked me if I could drive her home since her car broke down. I told her yes and drove her to her house."

"She invited to inside her house as a thank you. I tried to deny, but she wasn't taking no as an answer, so I went inside her house. She then gave me water, and in that water, she put a drug in there that made me horny. Yes, during that time I imagined her as Yuna, but I swear I wasn't in my right mind."

"The next morning I woke up, and took pictures of her so that I could sue her. I then went home and found that you cooked dinner for us to eat, and I'm sorry. I don't know how you found out." he said as he finished explaining. More tears left my eyes.

"So you're saying that as you were fucking her, you imagined her as Yuna, and you called her Yuna, even though you didn't know her name. I bet you also weren't going to tell me that you slept with a slut if I didn't find out by myself. I'm so tired of your lies Kook... I'm just so tired. What did I do to deserve this. I asked myself this everytime, and I still can't find my answer. JUST WHY KOOK!" I said brokenly.

"Why'd you have to break my trust and love. I was your best friend! Yes I know that you never loved me more than a best friend, but I still was your best friend. I supported you in everything! So why! All I asked was for your love Kook... so why. If only that day I didn't pick you up at that bar, maybe today I wouldn't be in this position." I said speaking with the pain in my heart.

I was crying so much that I started to feel light headed. I grabbed my temples with my hands.

"Yah! Taehyung! What's wrong. I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry. I was going to tell you when the time was right, but now that you already know. Please trust me. It's not like what you think. Yes, I still love Yuna, but it will go away soon... hopefully. Please stop crying. You're not feeling well." he pleaded, but tears were constantly strolling down my cheeks. I then started to lose my vision and slowly closed my eyes.

Jungkook P.O.V.
I saw Taehyung slowly closed his eyes!

I quickly carried him bridal style and brought him to my car. I drove us to the hospital.

As we reached there, I picked Taehyung up and ran inside the hospital building. The doctors and nurses came running to us. They put us in a room.

"Taehyung! Please stay with me!" I cried.

"What happened sir?" asked the doctor.

"He kept crying, and then he suddenly closed his eyes." I told him. The doctor checked his temperate.

"His temperature is 105 degrees Fahrenheit. He needs to rest for 3 days, and please give him these pills to help him cool down his temperature. As please don't let him cry. If he cries, it will make him dizzy and he will faint. Also don't make him work so hard." said the doctor.

"Ok thank you doctor. Is that all?"

"Yes that all." and the doctor left the room. Once he leaves, I went to grab a chair and sat next to Tae. I held his hand.

"Tae ah... I'm sorry for not realizing your love. I swear from now on, I'll try to change and love you. I promise that I will be a good husband and take good care of you. Please don't give up on me Tae." I said while rubbing his hand gently.

Taehyung P.O.V.
When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I looked outside to the window and saw that it was already night time. I checked the clock on the wall and it read 8:46 pm.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked myself groggily. I then tried to rub my eyes with my hand but realized that my left hand was being held down by something heavy. I turned my head to see what was holding my hand down.

As I looked, I saw that it was Jungkook who was holding my hand. I just stared at his face. He was looking so handsome and innocent. I faint smile slowly appeared on my face.

"Who would have thought that this innocent face would cause me so much pain." I said with a sigh.

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