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Taehyung P.O.V.
Jungkook left after hugging me. After he left, I thought I just watched some Kdrama. I kept watching and watching until it was already 5:00 pm.

"Oh shoot! I need to make Jungkook food." I quickly got off the couch and went towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and it was full of supplies.

"What should I cook... hmm... let's just cook some classic bibimpap." As I finished making it, Jungkook arrives at home.

"Welcome back Kook! How was your day?" I said cheerfully while setting our plates on the table.

"It was very tiring." he replied. "Tae... can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kook."

"Since we're married now, do you want to combine our industries so that I can take care of them while you stay home and clean the house?" he asked.

I thought about it, and replied, "Sure Kook.. but if we do divorce, I want my industry to break contract with you immediately." He quickly nodded.

We then finished our food. I grabbed both of our plates, spoons, and forks and put them in the sink. I quickly washed them while he just sat and watched me.

"Let's watch a movie after you finish." I just hummed. We then went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"What movie do you want to watch?" he asked.

"Um... let's watch "It" the clown"

"Ok" and he went to put it on Vudu. We kept watching and watching until a scary scene popped up. I screamed and hid my face in Jungkook's chest. He just chuckled at me and hugged me.

"It's ok Tae... I'm here, it won't hurt you." he said calmly. I nodded and removed my head from his chest. Even though I removed my head from his chest, he still kept his arms around me protectively. I hugged him back and snuggled with his warmth.
As the movie ended, I asked him, "Where am I going to sleep?"

"With me in my bed duh. You're my husband, so where else would you be sleeping."

"Well I thought I would be sleeping in the guest room." He just chuckled at my words.

"Let's go to bed." he said. I nodded and he turned off the tv. We then walked to his room and slept comfortably while cuddling with each other.

No One P.O.V.
After that day, Taehyung and Jungkook slowly start to fall for each other. Everything was falling into place.

They were living a happy life. Always cuddling, hugging, going on dates, kissing, protecting each other, and welcoming each other home. They both were living so well that they forgot about one person.

That person was up to date about their life. The person was not happy, because as he/she was struggling, these two are over here living together and having happiness. The person didn't like their happiness with each other one bit. So, they had a plan... to destroy them.

Taehyung P.O.V.
I was just sitting on the couch watching a Kdrama on the TV when my phone vibrated. I thought it was Jungkook texting me, so I quickly checked it.

It was a picture of Jungkook with a girl. I checked who sent me the picture, but it turns out to be an unknown number. I decided to not jump into conclusion, and ask Jungkook later when he comes home.

Time Skip
It was now 9:36 pm, and Jungkook usually comes home at 8:30 pm. What's taking him so long. I was going to call him when I heard the door unlocking. I quickly ran to the door to greet him.

"Hey Kook, what took you so-"

"Not now Tae. I'm so tired." and he walked towards the bathroom. I sighed and went to our room. After 5 minutes, he comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked inside our room and wore his clothes. I was just watching videos on my phone.

As I looked up, I saw his bare back. He already had his pants on, so he turned around and caught me staring. I quickly looked away blushing.

"Aww is my husband shy. Don't be, I'm all yours baby." I still looked away.

He then walked towards me and hugged me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Kook!! Wear a shirt!" I shouted at him and tried to get free from his hold.

"No hubby! I want to hold you." he said teasingly with a smirk. I blushed and looked away. He then started to kiss my cheeks and neck.

"Ahh Kook please! Let me go..." I said trying to move away from his kisses. He ignored my words and kept kiss my exposed skin.

"Baby... I'm horny now." I was shocked. I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. I sighed.

"Ok, but be gentle. It's my first time." I said with a little pout. His smile then turned into a big one and he tackled me down on the bed and started to give me kisses. I just giggled at his actions.

"Ok baby, let's get started." he said with a smirk.

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