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Jungkook P.O.V.
I woke up due to some shuffling. I slowly raised my head and looked at Taehyung. He was already awake and watching tv. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 9:23 pm. I guess I've been sleeping for some time now.

"Hey Tae, how are you feeling?" I asked him sleepily.

"I feel ok. Why do you care." he replied without taking his eyes off the tv. I sighed.

"Look... I'm sorry for my actions. I didn't mean to hurt you, but trust me, I didn't cheat on you on purpose. She put something in my drink, and I didn't know ok, so I drunk it. Please forgive me. Even though I don't love you in a romantic kind of way, I still love you as a best friend. So please forgive your Kookie... nah Taetae... nah.." I pleaded with puppy eyes. He glanced at me then looked away.

"Fine! I'll only forgive you since you're my best friend, but I'm not forgiving you fully. You still have to earn my trust back. Hmph."

"Thanks Taetae! I promise I won't hurt you no more. I'll try to change ok!" and I gave him my famous bunny smile. He just hummed to it.

Next Morning

Taehyung P.O.V.
I woke up due to the ray of sunshine. I looked to my left and saw that Jungkook was still sleeping on the chair. A small smile appeared on my lips. I then heard the door opening. As the doctor came inside my room, Kook also woke up due to the noise.

"Good morning boys, I just want to let you know that you're ok now and that you can be discharged today. I also gave some pills to this young man over here to give to you. You have to eat at least three pills each day. One in the morning, afternoon, and night time. This is all I came to inform you. I'll take my leave now."

"Thank you doctor." and he left from there.

"Ok, since you're discharged today, let's go." said Jungkook. We then filled out some papers and left from the hospital.

"Drive me back to your office parking lot. I need to get my car and go to office. I already missed one day." I told Jungkook.

"No, you're not feeling well. I'll take you at my house since we're going to be living together now. I'll take care of you, and I'll tell someone to drive your car back to our house. Tomorrow if you feel better than you can go back to office." and he drove straight to his house, or as you can say... our house.

As we reached our house, he quickly ran to open my door. I just looked at him and walked out of the car. He then opens the door and we both walk inside the house.

"Tae, you go and rest, I'll prepare lunch." I just nod and went to the guest room.

"I'm so glad that Jungkook's house is a one story house, or else I would be so tired of walking up and down the stairs." I was going to go on my laptop to do office work, but I realized that it was at my house, so I just went on my phone.

Jungkook P.O.V.
I finished making lunch, and walked to my bedroom, cause that's where I thought Taehyung would be. As I got there, I saw no one. I realized that he went to the guest room. I walked there and saw him on his phone.

"Tae, the food is ready. Come and eat."

"Ok." he replied. We both walked out of the room and went into the kitchen. As we sat down and started to eat, Taehyung as me,

"Hey Kook, you said that I'd be living with you from now on right?"

"Yes Tae, you will."

"Then... can I go and bring my things? Just some things though, because I still want my house over there."

"Sure Tae. We'll go tomorrow after office."

"I can just go by myself." said Taehyung.

"No I'll go and help you." I replied

"No you don't need to. It's just little things. I'm just going to bring my laptop, clothes, and some shoes. That's all."

"Ok then. Be careful."

"Ok..." we both finished eating and we both cleaned the table.

"I'll wash dishes" said Taehyung.

"No you're not feeling well. Go and rest. I'll bring your medicine up soon."

"No I want to wash the dishes. It's just a little bit. I can do it." he complained back.

"Fine, but I'll also help you." I told him. He nodded his head and I grabbed the sponge. I put dish soap on it and started to wash the dishes. Taehyung was doing the rinsing part.

After we both finished washing the dishes, we both wiped our hands and I grabbed his medicine from the bag that the doctor gave us. I grabbed 2 pills from there and gave him some water. Taehyung quickly put the pills in his mouth and drunk the water afterwards.

"Ok... so what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Don't you have work to do in your office? I can stay home and you can go and do them. I won't go anywhere." said Tae.

"Is that what you want?" I asked back. He shook his head as a yes.

"Ok then I'll be going. I'll come back at 5:30 pm to see you." and hugged Tae. I can tell that he was shocked from my hug, but like I said. I'll try to be a good husband to him, and start to show some affection towards him, even if he is just my best friend.

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