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Jungkook P.O.V.
When I woke up, I had a bad headache. I sat up and groaned.

"Ugh! What happened yesterday?" Then I remembered what happened.

Yuna cheated on me, I went to a bar, got wasted, Taehyung came to pick me up, we went to his house, then we went to register our marriage.

No One P.O.V.
As Taehyung woke up, he saw Jungkook already up on the bed. Jungkook looked to his side and saw Taehyung.

"So I'm married now." said Jungkook with a confused look.

"Yes you are, with me." said Taehyung with teary eyes. All of a sudden, Jungkook started to shout at Taehyung.

"Why did you agree to my request! You know that I was drunk, and when I'm drunk I do stupid things... so why Taehyung! Why!" shouted Jungkook.
Taehyung flinched at his words.

"Jungkook... please calm down. I know that I shouldn't have accepted your request, but you wouldn't stop asking me. I had no choice-" Taehyung couldn't finish his words when Jungkook interrupted him.

"Yes you did have a choice! You could've said no and left, but you decided to agree, and my stupid brain decided to oh let's go register our marriage and now here we are!" shouted Jungkook. Taehyung had tears in his eyes while listening to Jungkook's words.

"But if I l-left you, you would've p-probably harmed yourself." sniffled Taehyung. Jungkook let out an amused laugh.

"You think so low of me Taehyung. How could you think that I'd harm myself? Don't you know me? You're my best friend, how could you not know me?" Jungkook said with disbelief.

"Look Jungkook! You weren't in your right mind! How could you blame me for your actions! Huh! Tell me! Who was the one begging for me to marry them since "I" was the best option for them huh! Tell me! And who was it that was so heart broken yesterday that went over their limits of drinking! Tell me! Now don't you dare to blame me for your wrong doings! Yes! It was also my mistake of saying yes to marry you, but I had no other choice since I couldn't see you sad." shouted Taehyung full of rage.

"Now if you're done, I'm going to make breakfast and go to work. Don't forget I'm also a CEO who doesn't need money or fame." added Tae.

Jungkook was jungshook. Did Taehyung, his best friend/ husband, just yell at him?! As Taehyung was about to get off of bed, Jungkook grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him.

"Ahh- Jungkook! What ar-" Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as Jungkook captured his lips with his.
"Mmmh! J- jung-kook! L-le-let me g-go mmh!" Taehyung struggled to say.

Taehyung then pushed Jungkook with all his might and finally broke free. He quickly got up and ran to the door, but Jungkook hugged him from behind.

"What makes you think that you could shout at me huh." whispered Jungkook.

"Let me go! Let go Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted with anger.

"Oh... you shout again. Maybe you need a punishment hubby." and Jungkook started to kiss and suck Taehyung's neck!

"Mmm! Ah- shi! J-Jungkook please! Stop... pl-please ahh." whimpered Taehyung. Jungkook didn't listen and kept devouring Taehyung's neck. Taehyung was going weak. He elbowed Jungkook in his stomach, which made Jungkook groan and let him go. Taehyung quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Please Jungkook! Go away! I'm sorry for shouting at you! Please.. go away!" said Taehyung through the bathroom door. His eyes had tears falling from them. Jungkook heard him and sighed.

"How could I do this. Control yourself Jungkook. I know that you're still heart broken, but he's Taehyung, not Yuna. Calm down." and he went out of Taehyung's room to the kitchen.

Taehyung P.O.V.
I looked into my bathroom mirror, and I could see red marks on my neck. I broke down.

"How am I supposed to hide these?" I asked myself. I sighed and washed my face. Then I got out and saw that Jungkook was no longer in my room. I let out of breath of relief and went to change.

Just as I was changing, the door to my room opened. I was only in a white long shirt and underwear, bending down to wear my pants. I looked behind me and saw Jungkook with a smirk.

"What a nice view Tae."

"Shut up! It's not like you haven't seen it before" I said as I rolled my eyes. I quickly put on my pant and walked past him. As I walked past him, he slapped my butt.

"Damn it jiggles!" he said with a mischievous smirk. I gave him a death glare and walked out.

"You left your clothes here last time, so I kept it in my closet. Go find it there!" I shouted to him. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. It seems like Jungkook already had breakfast. I sighed and quickly ate.

When I finished, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and went out the door. I knew that Jungkook had a spare key to my house, so I didn't bother to lock it or worry about him. I then got in my car and drove to Kim Industry.

Jungkook P.O.V.
After I did my morning routine and got dressed, I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys and went out the door. I already ate breakfast while Tae was in the bathroom. I put on my shoes and realized that my car was still at the bar's parking lot. I sighed and called one of my drivers. They quickly came and picked me up. We then went to Jeon Industry.

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