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No One P.O.V.
Taehyung and Jungkook were eating dinner together, when suddenly, Taehyung felt nauseous. He quickly ran to the toilet and vomited.

Jungkook was worried so he also followed Taehyung into the bathroom. He gently rubbed Taehyung's back to soothe him. After Taehyung finished vomiting, he gets up and rinses his mouth with water.

"Tae, are you ok? This has been happening for 1 whole week. I think we should go to the doctors." said Jungkook worriedly.

"No Kook. It's ok. I probably just ate something bad."

"No Tae, we're going to the hospital tomorrow. If you ate something bad, it's symptoms should not last for a whole week. We're going to the doctors tomorrow and that's final." and Taehyung couldn't argue back with Jungkook, so he just nods his head.

Jungkook told Taehyung to go and take a shower then rest while he goes and clean up the table. Taehyung complies and goes and take a shower. Jungkook walks into the kitchen and puts their dishes inside the sink and starts to wash them.

When he finished, Taehyung was already out of the shower and already in their room. Jungkook then goes and takes a shower.

When Jungkook finished taking his shower, he walks inside their room to see Taehyung already sleeping peacefully. He quickly wears his pajamas and goes inside the covers. He kisses Taehyung's forehead and drifts to sleep.

Next Morning
Jungkook gets woken up by Taehyung running inside the bathroom. He hears Taehyung vomiting again. He quickly gets up and also runs inside the bathroom. He gently rubs Taehyung's back. When Taehyung finished, Jungkook gave him the serious look.

"We're going to the hospital now." says Jungkook.

Taehyung just nods and washes his mouth. They both get ready to go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, it was silent. When they reached there, they went to the receptionist.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?" asked the receptionist.

"Well, I would like to make an appointment for today. My husband has been vomiting for the past week now, and I'm very worried about him." replied Jungkook.

"Alright. You guys may sit on the chairs and wait for the doctor to call you guys up." and Jungkook and Taehyung went to sit in the chairs.

After 30 minutes, a doctor called their names. The doctor leads them inside a room. They did some check up on Taehyung, and told him to go and pee in a cup. Taehyung goes inside the bathroom and pees in the cup. He then brings it back to the doctor.

After a few minutes, the doctor confirms that Taehyung is 1 week pregnant. To say that Jungkook and Taehyung was shocked was an understatement. They were both frozen and still. They doctor had to wave in front of their faces to get their attention again.

"Alright, so you'll need to come to the hospital at least once a month to check up on the child." told the doctor. Jungkook and Taehyung both nod.

"Also, your husband might encounter some mood swings and food cravings, so please be patient with him and good luck. This is all I need to tell you. You guys can make another appointment for next month. Have a good day." and the doctor leaves.

Taehyung and Jungkook also leaves after the doctor. While they were driving back home, it was so silent that you could hear a coin drop. As they reach home, they went inside the house and Taehyung asks,

"Kook... do you want a kid?" Jungkook just keeps quiet and walks inside their room. He grabs his jacket and then walks back outside to his car and drives off. Taehyung broke down crying.

"I'm sorry Kook. It's my fault for not reminding you to use protection. I'm sorry, but I can't abort this kid. I love them, even though they're not born yet." Taehyung kept crying and crying until he starts to feel dizzy. He quickly calls Jimin.

Ringing... ringing... ring-

"Hello?" says Jimin.

"C-chim! I f-feel di-dizzy. Please c-come o-ov-er here." stuttered Taehyung through his cries. Jimin quickly panicked.

"Tae! Are you ok! Ok ok I'm coming right now! Don't go anywhere. I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Can you get up?" asks Jimin.

"No... J-Jimin shi... I f-feel so t-tired and we-weak. Please... c-come fast." says Taehyung. Taehyung then ends the phone call.

After 10 minutes, Jimin arrives and opens the door. Luckily it wasn't locked.

"Tae! Are you ok? Come on, let's go and sit on the couch." Jimin gently picks Tae up and sits him on the couch.

"Stay here, I'll bring you some water ok." and Jimin goes and brings Tae some water. Taehyung drinks it and starts to feel better.

"Thanks Chim for coming. If you didn't come, I would've past out by now." said Taehyung.

"What happened Tae? Where's Jungkook? Why did he leave you alone like that?" asked Jimin. Taehyung's eyes start to water up again.

"Chim... t-today we went to the doctors, and they t-told us that I'm 1 week p-pregnant. When we found out, we both were s-shocked. When we reached home, I asked him if he wanted a kid, and he just l-left me alone. I feel so broke Chim... I can't a-abort my child. I love them so much." says Taehyung brokenly. Jimin understood and engulfed Taehyung into a warm hug.

"Don't worry Tae, if he doesn't accept the child, move in with me. I'll be there for you Tae. Remember, we are soulmates after all." and Jimin gives Tae's forehead a peck. He slowly starts to rock Tae, and Taehyung slowly falls into a deep slumber.

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