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Jungkook P.O.V.
When the doctor told us that Tae was pregnant. I felt so happy, but I didn't know how to express it. I then went to my office.

As I got there, it was only 12:38 pm, so I still had some time left to catch up on some work. As I walked inside my office, Yuna was sitting there waiting for me. I gave her a disgusted look. When she saw me, she got up from the couch and hugged me.

"I missed you so much Kook." I quickly pushed her away.

"Why are you here Yuna." I said sternly. She looked at me and pouted.

"I thought that you would want to see me again. I miss you so much Kook. I still love you lots. I'm sorry for cheating, I was blind to do that. I now realized that I only love you Kook, so please take me back."

"Sorry Yuna, but I'm already married." Yuna pretends to be shocked.

"How could you do that Kook! What about our promise to get married and have kids together. What happened to that! You also promised that you'll love me forever! What happened Kook!" shouts Yuna.

"What happened is that you cheated on me Yuna! And don't call me Kook! Only my husband can call me that. What did I tell you that day you cheated on me. I told you to not come running back to me like a dog once he leaves you. What didn't you understand from those words. Huh!" I shouted back. She was in daze.

"Get the fuck out of my office, and I never want to see your face again. If I do, I'll send you straight to the police." I told her.

"Don't worry Kook, you won't see my face again." she said with a smirk as left.

After she left my office, I sighed and sat down on my chair. I then opened my laptop and resumed on what I was working on.

Taehyung P.O.V.
I woke up and saw that I was in my bed. I looked around and realized that Jimin already left. I sat up and stretched a little.

I went to the kitchen to make myself some food. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5:38 in the afternoon. I sighed. Jungkook hasn't come back yet, and I don't know where he went.

As I finished making my food, I brought the food into our bedroom and decided to eat there. As I was eating, my phone dinged. I thought it was Kook who texted me, so I quickly looked at it, but what I saw broke my heart.

The message was pictures of Yuna and Jungkook in his office hugging and talking. Tears slowly start to fall from my eyes. I looked at the contact, and it was the same contact as the one who sent me the picture of Jungkook with a girl. I was beyond broken. I needed answers, and I need them now. I quickly called Jungkook.

Ringing... ringing... ringing... decline. I tried again.

Ringing... ringing... ringing... decline. I tried again.

Ringing... ringing... ri-

"What Tae." he answered roughly. As I heard his annoyed voice, tears started to fall from my eyes.

"K-kook... when are y-you coming h-home?" I asked.

"Seriously Taehyung. You called me just to ask that! I'm busy right now! If you have nothing to say, then I'm going to hang up n-"

"Wait!" I interrupted him, "What are you busy with?! Are you busy with Yuna! I know that you were with her today! Why Kook! I thought that we were finally coming together, so why did you have to do this to me. Remember that time when you begged me to forgive you. The time you slept with that girl. I forgave you Kook, so why are you doing it again. And not just with Yuna, with another girl as well. You thought that I wouldn't find out. Well I wouldn't have found out either if someone didn't send me pictu-"

"Oh! So now you're having someone stalk me! Wow Taehyung, you think so low of me. I am your husband, how could you think that low of me! Do you even kn-"

"Stop! Why are you shouting at me. I'm pregnant with our child!"

"I don't want that child! I never did and I never would!" raged Jungkook. I was beyond shocked. Is that why he walked out of me this morning? Is that why? He never wanted this child?

"Fine! If you don't want this child, then you don't have to claim it, but I'm not going to abort it. All I wanted to know was why Yuna was with you in your office..."


"Fine... but I hope you know.. that I l-love you K-kook." and ended the call.

I quickly called Jimin to come and pick me up. I packed all of my things and as I was done, Jimin was outside waiting for me. It was easy to pack my things since I didn't have a lot of things in there anyways. I was crying the whole way to Jimin's house.

When we got to his house, he grabbed my things and we both went inside his house. He asked me what's wrong, and I told him everything. He was beyond mad, but I told him to calm down since I'm no longer with him.

"Ok Tae, I won't be mad at him, but please stop crying. It's not good for the babies." I just nodded. That night, I cuddled up with Jimin on his bed and slept.

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