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"She said it was because she knew that I was still in love with you

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"She said it was because she knew that I was still in love with you." Oikawa calmly responded.

You turned your head to Iwaizumi as he did the same and you both had a shocked look on your face.

You looked back at Oikawa who was now just placing food and snacks on his plate as if he hadn't said anything.

"Wait wait- Can you repeat that again I think I heard something else- What did you just say?" you asked.

"You heard me right Y/n. And she wasn't wrong when she said that, why else do you think I didn't fight for her back." Oikawa stated.

You were confused yet for some reason it felt like a weight had been lifted off not only your shoulders but Oikawas shoulders too.

"Oh- Well... That was definitely..." you started.

"Something-" Iwaizumi finished your sentence.

"Yeah, definitely-" you laughed.

You grabbed a plate and grabbed some pizza and open your favorite chips and set the bag on the table.

"Awwww Y/n you're gonna let me have some chips?" Oikawa said putting his hand in the bag of chips.

"No it was for me but who am I to stop a fat ass like you?" you snapped back.

"OW Y/N THAT WAS MEAN!" Oikawa whined placing his right over his heart pretending those words actually hurt him.

Iwaizumi laughed and said,

"Nice one Y/n!" while turning to give you a high five.

You of course gave him a high five and laughed with him as Oikawa stated,

"You guys are both so mean to me."

"I know, but it's fine because we know you can handle it." you laughed.

You all began eating and were just scrolling on your phones when you then heard a clicking sound coming from a phone across from you. You looked up and to no surprise Oikawa was looking at you with a dumb founded face acting innocent as if he hadn't just taken a picture of you.

"What did you just do." you asked sternly.

"Oh nothing, I just accidentally took a photo." Oikawa replied.

"Oh an accident huh?" you said sarcastically.

"Yup!" Oikawa agreed.

"Give me your phone." you said.

"Why?" Oikawa asked.

"Because I said so. So now give me your phone." you replied.

"No" he said.

"No?" you repeated.

"Yeah, no." Oikawa stated.

"Shittykawa she's gonna beat the shit out of you." Iwaizumi said stuffing his face.

𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫. [ 𝐀 𝐓. 𝐎𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ]Where stories live. Discover now