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"I wonder when they'll finish

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"I wonder when they'll finish." you thought to yourself. You took out your phone and decided to scroll through your socials a little bit. You heard Oikawa yell,

"Alright guys, pack your stuff up and lets get out of here."

You got up from the bleachers and grabbed your bag and started walking down the steps to catch up with someone. You scanned the room as the boys were starting to walk out and spotted the person you were looking for.

"Hey, Iwa!" you shouted.

Iwazumi turned around and replied,

"What's up y/n?"

"Hey... so it's raining outside and I was wondering if you had an extra umbrella or something that I could use so that I'm not soaking wet when I get home?" you asked.

"Oh, uhhhhhh...." he started while rummaging through his bags.

"Mmm, sorry I don't. You can have mine though! It's no problem!" he said with a smile on his face.

"Ah, no, I can't, how else are you supposed to get home without getting soaked!" you exclaimed laughing with Iwazumi.

"Seriously it's alright y/n, just take mine, I'd much rather have me get soaked instead of you." Iwazumi smiled.

"No it's okay, I don't live super far anyways I'll be fine, thank you though!" you responded while turning to walk away, that was until you heard someone call out to you.

"Hey! Y/N!" shouted a familiar voice.

You stopped in your tracks as you were very hesitant to turn around and speak to the male who was calling out after you, although, you still did. You turned around with a smile on your face and said,

"Hey... Oikawa..."

"Hey, r/n said she wanted to give you something." he said looking at r/n next to him, although you were more focused on the two interlocking fingers rather than the words that actually came out of his mouth, you soon snapped back into reality with the biggest yet fakest smile on your face saying,

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yup!" Oikawa replied.

"Here." r/n said as she handed you an umbrella.
"Sorry but I over heard you and Iwa talking and I knew I had an extra one so you could walk home without getting soaking wet!" she said giggling.
"Don't even worry about it!" she proceeded, "Tōru and I can just share one!" she stated with the biggest smile on her face.

You stared, watching the way r/n stared at Oikawa made your heart begin to ache, the way you wish you could look at Oikawa like that again. You knew exactly how she was feeling, how could you not, you were so in love with him. The way r/n's eyes sparkled when looking at Oikawa, the biggest smile and all the unintentional and unaware laughs and giggles she would let out while talking about him or even hearing his name, it all began to hurt. Your thoughts took you to a place that you wish you could revisit, no, relive. The days when you and Oikawa shared many smiles and laughs, the way you guys would share an umbrella when it was raining because he always forgot his, the ways you would tease him oh so wishing you could go back to those happy times. You lost track in your thoughts until you heard,

𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫. [ 𝐀 𝐓. 𝐎𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ]Where stories live. Discover now