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You walked into class with Oikawa and you noticed he was staring at this girl, r/n, she was a fangirl and Oikawa was a sweetheart so of course he acknowledged all of them, or at least that was just what you thought

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You walked into class with Oikawa and you noticed he was staring at this girl, r/n, she was a fangirl and Oikawa was a sweetheart so of course he acknowledged all of them, or at least that was just what you thought.


"All right seats everyone!" your teacher exclaimed as you swiftly walked to your seat. Oikawa sat next to you but you noticed he was on his phone rapidly answering someone, you didn't think much of it until you heard a small giggle.

"R/N. What's so funny?" your teacher asked.

You saw R/N quickly put her phone out of the teachers sight as she answered,

"Nothing miss! :)"

You looked over at Oikawa and you noticed he was trying not to laugh, you thought it was weird but you figured you were just overthinking it and it was a coincidence.

"Ok then, you guys will have a project and will be working in pairs of two. You guys get to choose your own partners but make sure you pair up with someone you know you're going to do the work with, or don't, it's up to you." your teacher explained.

You looked over at Oikawa and he was looking right back at you with that charming and contagious smile of his that gave you butterflies each time you looked at it.

"So I'm guessing were working together?" Oikawa asked in a flirty tone.

*giggle* "I guess so :)" you responded.

The teacher then began to explain what the project was about, she went over the rubric, and explained the due date all the way up until class ended. The bell then rang.

You grabbed your stuff and walked out of class and noticed Oikawa had left on without you, you peaked your head out the doorway and noticed he was caught up with his fangirls, of course you were okay with this and you guys didn't have the next period together anyways. You went to your locker admiring how sweet and kind Oikawa was to his fangirls even though they all knew he was dating you. You grabbed your books and then carried on to your next class, you didn't do much in this class anyways so you just sat down on your phone very discreetly only paying attention when you really needed to. The bell rang again and your face lit up with joy as this next part was your favorite. You ran to your locker excited to think about the next thirty minutes you could spend with tōru for lunch. You got to you locker and opened it when you suddenly hear a little giggle come from the entrance to the stairs on the left, you got curious so you put your lunch in your bag, closed your locker, and peeped to see what was happening. Your eyes couldn't believe it.

You watched as you saw your boyfriend on another girl, the way his hand caressed her face as he did yours. The way his tall figure stood over her as it always did yours. You stood there and your presence was completely erased. Your heart began clenching as it tried so hard to stay together, you felt your heart crumble piece by piece as you silently watched the two together. You were hoping that your eyes were simply deceiving you as you just thought maybe you were seeing things. You blinked. Nope. It was the real thing. Your heart was slowly crumbling apart, then what you saw made your heart shatter all at once.

Your boyfriends lips.

On another.

Your eyes grew big and they widened as you couldn't believe what you just saw. However the kiss, it seemed passionate, exactly like how he used to kiss you. This kiss seemed so familiar, almost as if they had already been doing it, and for a while. Your heart, absolutely crushed. It sunk to the bottom of your stomach and you felt like throwing up. Your eyes, without even realizing, began to leak with uncontrollable tears. You dropped your bag without even realizing how much of a noise that made. Everything around you began to go quiet, and it started to lose color until a familiar voice screamed your name that woke you up.

"Y/N!!" Oikawa yelled as he turned to look at you with fear in his eyes. He already knew what you just saw and he couldn't do anything about it except stand there with fear and regret.

You came back to reality and looked at Oikawa. You saw the fear in his eyes while he was staring right back at you. Your eyes stung from the amounts of tears that were falling out of it, they felt heavy and tired as so did your heart. Your stomach, churring this heaving feeling making you nauseous. It was silent as all you heard was straight emptiness, your head hung low as you stared at the floor wondering what you could ever do or didn't do to ever make him do this.

"y/n..." Oikawa whispered as there was still much tension in his voice.

"how long." you asked in a stern tone.

"What?" Oikawa responded acting confused and innocent.

"how. long." you paused and then proceeded "Oikawa."

In Oikawas ears he knew he messed up when you called him by his last name. He was hurt, but did he have any right to be? He didn't want to answer but he knew he had to. There was no escape from this situation.

"What do you mean how long?" Oikawa asked, he tried to play it off like this was just an action that only had happened once, but you both knew that was a lie.

"Oh don't play coy with me Tōru!" you yelled out as your voice cracked while you lifted your head up to face him. Oikawa stood there looking stunned as he wanted to know the answer as to how you knew. But that was the least of his concerns right now.

"Oh don't give me that dumb look Oikawa. That kiss did NOT look like it was a first time thing." you scoffed and then laughed. You then smiled out of pain and how you thought he could think you're so stupid.

"Three." Oikawa started. "Three months." he finished.

You looked at him, pain written all over your face. You weren't shocked as you knew it was probably a while but you we're stunned at how he had played it off so well for that long. Everyday, he acted as if he was doing nothing except loving you at his fullest. All those days he said he was going to extra practice you should've realized were red flags but you never did. Why? Because you were supportive of him, even though you couldn't take in the thought of how much you figured he was wearing himself out, it was all a lie. The only thing that was truly wearing out was his love for you. And his actions showed that.

You both just stood there in silence. He stared at you with pain in his eyes that were slowly starting to form tears, he looked like he wanted to speak but just couldn't, your head hung over the floor again as the room filled with silents sobs. Everything went colorless, your heart had already shattered and now there was this big black hole of pain yet nothingness at the same time just sitting there, it was waiting for the pain to disappear that would eventually leave you with nothing but a big open wound in your heart.

ohhhh myyyy GOSH YOU GUYS. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA. YOU DID IT. YOUR HERE!  WE FINALLY MADE IT TO THE GOOD STUFF! AAHAHAHAHHAHA- okay lemme begin. LMAOOOO- so i may or may have not spent the entirety of my third period and half of my lunch time writing this- LMAOOOO- but honestly it was so worth it, i couldn't contain my excitement of writing this any longer so when i saw the opportunity i took it LOL- this chapter kinda hurted me doe... i cant even lie i was shaking as i was writing this because the thought of him cheating just makes my heart hurt so much because i am deeply in love with that man. AHAHAHAHHAHA, as im sure so are you LOL- anyways i really hope you enjoyed this chapter i cant wait to write and publish the next as i already know whats going to happen AHAHAHHAHAA- anyways im gonna rush to find a snack or something before i have to go back to class. YUCK- LMAOOOO- but ill see you guys in the next chapter and dont forget to drink water and eat today! ilysm and ill see you in the next one! bye!

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