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"Hey hey hey hey y/n" Oikawa said bothering you

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"Hey hey hey hey y/n" Oikawa said bothering you.

"Oh my god. What do you want now shittykawa?" you whined answering him.

"I said don't call me that." Oikawa stated.

"I can call you whatever I want, now spill before I tune you out." you said.

"Soooo, I was thinkinggg, you, me, date." Oikawa said.

You froze for second processing what you just heard, did you hear that right? Date? Is this bitch crazy???

"Hold up- What did you just say?" you turned facing Oikawa which a confused face.

"You heard me! I wanna take you out on a date. I wanna start over." Oikawa pleaded.

You sighed,

"Oikawa. How many times am I gonna have to tell you that I'm not giving you another chance?" you stated.

"Until you do give me one! Please, let me redeem myself." Oikawa stated.

"The answer is no Oikawa. Now quit harassing me Oikawa the teacher is here." you told him.

The teacher walked in and began teaching, you didn't bother to pay attention since you knew today would practically be a free day. It was the usual, she hands out an assignment, you finish it, and thats it.

The entire time Oikawa kept bothering you, pestering you even.

"OW!" you screamed in a whisper rapidly facing Oikawa.

Oikawa had just kicked your ankle in attempt to grab your attention.

"What was that for shittykawa?" you asked.

"For calling me shittykawa and because I wanna talk to you." Oikawa said with a smile on his face.

"That hurt you bitch! This is why I won't be dating you ever again." you spit.

"OUCH Y/N !!" Oikawa said.

"Besides, don't you have work to do?" you told him.

"No, I already finished." Oikawa stated with a cheeky smile.

"It doesn't look like you're working on anything either sooooo, talk to me" Oikawa added.

"Oikawa can I ask you question?" you asked.

"Yeah of course, hit me!" Oikawa answered.

"Why are you so..." you started.

"Cute? Handsome! Smart? Adorable! oo oo oo! I know! Irresistible!" Oikawa kept trying to finish your sentence.

"Fucking annoying?" you finished.

"That was... not what I was expecting..." Oikawa said.

You gave him a cheeky smile.

"Okay now can I ask you a question?" Oikawa asked.

"If its gonna be you pestering me about either going on a date with you or getting back together with you then no. Anything else, sure." you stated.

"Haha very funny y/n." Oikawa said.

"But yes... and no?" he added.

You looked at him confused.

"I was gonna ask why you wont go on a date with me or why you wont take me back." Oikawa said looking genuinely curious.

"Is this bitch ACTUALLY FUCKING DUMB???" you thought to yourself.

"Are you serious right now?" you asked him.

"Yes, and before you answer you can't say its because of what I did to you, we know thats an obvious one." Oikawa stated.

You were about to start speaking when he then added,

"And don't just throw insults at me either because I was valid reasoning. Don't say it's because I'm ugly or obnoxious."

"Is being obnoxious really not valid enough?" you asked jokingly.

"I'm serious y/n! I miss you. I want you back. And I want to treat you so much better...." Oikawa said.

You thought for a minute before answering.

"I don't know Oikawa." you said.

"Exactly! You don't have any other reason besides what I did to you." Oikawa stated.

"Okay but isn't that valid enough?" you asked.

"It is, but I want more. No, I need more." Oikawa said.

"I don't know... Maybe I just don't want the possibility of happening again.... And it's not even only because you cheated on me. It's the way you acted after too. And there's probably a lot of other factors that I just can't think of right now but trust me, theres more." you said slightly chuckling and leaning in your bag to take out a water bottle for a sip of water.

Before you could do so Oikawa reached out for your hand and held it in between both his hands.

"Y/n please, I won't do that to you ever again. I promise." he stated with desperate eyes.

You slowly pulled your hand away and said,

"Oikawa. Words don't mean anything. Just like when you said you loved me when you really were cheating on me. And you break promises. Isn't that valid enough as well?"

"Okay but thats the thing I still did love you, and you know it, I don't know why I cheated that was stupid on my side but you heard it from r/n herself. I still loved you when I was cheating, when I was with r/n, and even still now. Which is why I'm trying so hard to chase you but you keep falling out of my grasp. Y/n, I want you back. Seriously. I want to give you the world." Oikawa begged.

You felt bad for him, and you knew that you still loved him just a little and everything he was doing sparked that love even more but, are you ready for this yet?

"Oikawa. I-" you started before he cut you off.

"Okay okay how about this, how about a 14 day trial. For 14 days I'll treat you like your my girlfriend, and I'll show you how much I love you and how much I want to take care of you." Oikawa said.

You thought about it for a minute.

"Fine." you answered.

"REALLY?" Oikawa asked.

"ONLY! Only on the condition that you buy me boba every week for a month. As many times as I want." you added.

"Deal." Oikawa said.

The bell rang and you continued on with your day. For the next two weeks Oikawa treated you like how he used to. He picked you up, held your hand every chance he got, hugged you from behind, showered you with kisses but never kissing you on the lips since you weren't actually together, bragged to everyone about how you were "his", took you on cute small dates, posted about you on his social media, and even kept his promise of buying you boba for a month.

*Time Skip*

Fast forward years later, you graduated high school and college, got the job of your dreams, bought your own house, got married to the one and only Oikawa Tōru, who in fact became a professional volleyball player, and started filling every chapter of your new life.

The End.

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