ASHTON'S POV"We need to go to 55th Avenue, there is going to be the package" Sebastian was speaking
"We still need to get in to get those papers" Kile said
"Yeah but that's going to be Ashton's work" Sebastian pointed out
"Since when do you tell me what the fuck to do?" I glared at him, seriously these dickheads were the ones able to get into my nerves but still the only ones I could call friends?
"Chill mate, just saying, you need to get those papers" Sebastian told me
"I know all right, I fucking know" I'm angry but not with them, with myself because I couldn't stop thinking about how I couldn't kill April, like why the fuck didn't I kill her already then and there, what the fuck is wrong with me
"Well I wouldn't be annoying you if you did your job right, if that bitch exposes us we are going to pay because hulk right here couldn't kill her when the time was right" Sebastian said
That got onto my last nerve so I got up from my seat and walk towards him, I'm going to punch him, yup I'm definitely going to punch him
"First of all I'm your boss, not the other way around, so don't talk to me like that dickhead, and don't you think I already know it was wrong, I know and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it, so shut the fuck up" I was already grabbing him by the collar
"Well then fix it" That's it, my fist connected with his stupid face
"Hey stop it guys" Kile walk towards us and tried to pull me off Sebastian
"What you did that for?" Sebastian glared at me while holding his bloody nose
"So that you understand to never talk to me like that again, oh and now you can get a fucking nose job pussy" I walk out of the room and close the door harshly
I'm really pissed with everything and everyone but mostly myself, he's right, if April talks that's it, boss is going to kill us. I just couldn't kill her and I don't know why, I was enjoying the torture I was putting her to, but when I saw her eyes, her fucking eyes I frightened. It was like a fucking voice inside my head told me to not kill her and my body responded to that voice. I hate her for making me feel this way, powerless.
I didn't know I was punching the wall while thinking all of this until my knuckles started to hurt because they were bleeding, how nice
I need a drink, and drugs and cigarettes
I put vodka on my glass and relaxed on my chair, I took out my cigarette but I found myself just looking at it, April doesn't like cigarettes. Why the fuck did I care about it
I lit my cigarette and started to inhale the smoke around me, why can't I enjoy it, what the fuck is happening. I growled and put it out. I really need to distract myself, maybe fuck a whore, yup that is, I need to get laid
"Where are you going?" Kile asked me when he saw me get out of my room
"Am I your daddy to explain where I'm going?" I glared at him
He sighed "Can I join you?"
"No" I kept walking
"C'mon man we want to get out of here" Sebastian said, his nose had stop bleeding by now
"I'm going to search for a woman so I can get laid" I told them
"Awesome I want to go too" Sebastian was jumping like a little fucking kid

RomanceAshton is the bad guy at college, everyone fears of him. If he even glares at you, it's time to run. April has a harsh past and it's trying to get over it, but something or more like someone will make it hard to forget about her past. She is sweet...