4.3K 87 39

Hey guys!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to upload, I promise this is the last time this happens; it's just that I was doing a lot of stuff like graduating, moving to college etc... so I didn't really have time.

I'm not kidding I left and came back with 8k already! OMG Thank youuu

Also I saw the begging of the book and I cringed lmao, I'm sorry you had to read that. I saw a lot of grammar mistakes and idk it's weird at the beginning I think, so after I finish this I'll edit I promise

Fun fact: my first language isn't English so that's why I never cared for double checking because I just uploaded whatever came to my mind, but now I promise I'll double check

Finally I want to say that i appreciate all of you, and seeing the notifications of you commenting or voting really makes me happy, so thank you, you're all wonderful people

That was all I hope you continue to enjoy it!

And if you read as a coping mechanism like me, let's just keep simping over fictional characters and forget about the boring real world :)



"Give me a kiss!"

"Shut up!"

"Aaaprilll, give me a kiss"

"I swear I'm throwing you out of the door"

How did I ended up in this position, I don't really know; I'm just trying to ignore this two guys while I'm waiting for Ashton.

I'm sitting in Ashton's car with Sebastian and Kile on the backseats.

Sebastian's head suddenly appeared in the middle, "April, why won't you give me a kiss?" He pouted like a little kid

I sighed and pushed his face back "Bash I'm not kissing you, I'm sorry"

He huffed "it's an innocent kiss, is on the cheek not lips, and besides I wouldn't be asking you for a kiss if your ass of a boyfriend hadn't bruised me there" he complained

"And you wouldn't be bruised if you hadn't jumped in his back trying to scare a guy that kills for a living" Kile says and I cringed at the words. He doesn't really kill for a living, just when needed right?

"It's not my fault that he gets easily scared by me, when he threw his elbow at me I got really offended"

"It was self defense, he didn't know it was you" I told Sebastian

"I don't care, he hurt me, now give a kiss to my bruise so I can feel better" his head popped in the middle again. He was never going to back up so I decided to go and kiss his cheek, but before that happened he was pulled back

"Ashton will kill you if he knew that April gave you a kiss" Kile was holding him by his hair

"Is on the cheek!" Sebastian protested "and get your hands off me dickhead" he shoved Kile's hand from the grip on his hair

"Why don't we just relax and turn on the radio" I suggested

"Oh yeah, I heard a song recently that I adored, it's called conga" Kile and I looked at him trying to understand what he just said

He smiled and looked at us excitedly "it's a Spanish song and it makes you want to shake your ass, well I wanted to shake my ass when I saw two hot girls dancing together to that song" I wrinkled my nose

"I'm not putting a song that turns you on" I said

He shook his head and sighed "April, dear, I don't need a song to be turned on, I'm always in the mood if you know what I mean" he wiggled his eyebrows playfully

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