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"April" my mom shouted from the kitchen

"Hey mom" I went downstairs and hugged her. One of my favorites things are my mom's hugs, they make me feel comfortable

"April Rose Fields" she pushed me back

Oh shit

"What's wrong?" I asked completely confused

"Are you dating anyone?" I was shocked because of her question, I mean I am supposedly dating someone, but how the hell does she knows

"What? Me? No?" I mumbled

"Don't lie to me young girl" she gave me the mom look

"I..." I have to tell her too right? "I just started seeing someone" I looked down

"Oh honey that's great!" She hugged me and I'm completely confused. She was mad at me a couple of seconds before. I'm starting to think she's a little bit like Bella

"Uhm, aren't you mad?"

"Mad? Of course not, I just saw a couple of minutes ago that hot boy leave, what was his name again? Alex? Andre? A..." I spoke "Ashton, and stop calling him hot, it's weird"

"Oh right Ashton is, and I used my mother voice to make you tell me what was going on, and I'm happy that you're with him if you're happy" she smiles

"Yeah I guess" I shrugged

This is bad, I've never had a boyfriend before, so for her this is my first real boyfriend and knowing how crazy she can be, I don't think this is a good thing

"I want you to invite him to have dinner with us tomorrow" she said and I laugh nervously

"Really? I think it's too soon mom" I don't want her to get along with him, I mean he's not going to stay in my life forever

"I don't care if it's too soon, I want to see the class of man my baby is dating" she gave me the look again "and I need to see if he's worthy of you"

"But you already talked to him a little bit when he brought my car" I said hoping she'll drop the whole invitation

"That doesn't mean I know him, and now that you two are something I want to see how he treats you too, and this isn't up for discussion" she went to the fridge

"Fine" I rolled my eyes

"Now help your mother to make something to eat"

And that was what we did, we ate and then she started asking me questions about him, the kind of questions like "is he good with others?" And the answer to that is definitely no, but I had to say that he's the best. Another question was "does he treats his family well?" And the answer to that one is, I don't know his family, just his cousin which he almost killed, but of course I said he treats them wonderfully, and that he also treats me amazing

Most of the time it was like an interrogation about him and I. Finally she let me go and I went to my room, I have to call Ashton and tell him that he need to come tomorrow, because if he doesn't my mom will probably murder him

"Miss me already" he picked up, arrogant hot asshole

"You wish" I rolled my eyes "I need you to do me a favor"

"No" he replied

"Ashton" I groaned


"It's not an option" I sighed

"Still...no" I heard him chuckled on the phone, he enjoys pissing me, two can play this game sir

"Okay then, I guess I'm going to call another guy to come and help me" I smirked because exactly when I finished saying that, he answered, really pissed off "Absolutely not"

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