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April's POV:

It's been a really weird week. Most of it was having small talk with Dylan, hanging with Bella, talking to Sebastian, and feeling the glares of Ashton

I feel a little bit, I don't know what to call it, but I missed talking to Ashton

Yeah it's fucked up, I'm fucked up

But whenever I was around him, it felt somehow familiar, not that bad at all; well some of the times, others I wanted to punch him hard

I was having hope of the thought of us being, not friends but...something? I actually enjoyed the talks we had and the moments we've shared, when we started to get to know a little bit of each other. But it's obvious that not everything is perfect or can remain good, so now we're here again, not talking to each other and just sharing cold stares between us. Another thing that pissed me so much was the girls that were flirting with him, and he of course allowed it. Like why? I'm not jealous but... okay maybe I am a little bit, but when we were okay his attention seemed to be with me, and now he doesn't even attempt to say something

But again, I told him not to. But I just missed the feeling I had being around him. I don't know what feeling it was but it wasn't bad

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts

"Hello" I answered

"Hey m&m" Sebastian cheerfully answered

"What's up Bash?"

"Ooohhh, are we on the best friends nicknames stage?" I could sense his smirk over the phone

"Well you always had a nickname for me before, and I usually give nicknames to people, it's no big deal" I explained

"Ouch, I thought I was now important to you" he faked being hurt, I swear he's like a flirty little kid

"Why are you calling me then? I don't think it's to talk about nicknames"

"What if it was for that?" I sighed "okay okay I'm kidding, I do actually need something from you" he says

"Which is?"

"Uhm, look I know you're not in the best place with Ashton right now, but I need you to come to his apartment, we will all be there"

"Nope, I'm not going near him" oh but I do want to

"Please April, it's for your own good, we need to explain to you some things about the enemy mafia because they are moving, and each time it's more risky for you if you're not correctly informed about things" he explained

"Well then you can explain them through the phone"

"Nope I really can't" I groaned

"And why isn't Ashton the one telling me this if I'm going to his apartment?"

"That's because he's a big ego boy and refuses to talk to you...ouch" I laughed when he groaned at the last part because I supposed Ashton or Kile kick him for saying that

"Everything all right?" I asked still laughing

"Just peachy" he groaned

"All right, but send me the address because I don't know how to get there by myself" he accepted

"And I agree with you he's a dick with an ego ten times bigger than his balls" I said that because it's most likely that he's listening

"That's..." he was cut off by Ashton now taking the phone "I'm amused that you think my ego is 80 inches then"

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