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We're laying in bed, she's peacefully sleeping in my arms. It's early in the morning and I'm fucking relieved that last night wasn't a fucking dream, if I thought there wasn't anything that'll make me more obsessed with her before, I was completely wrong

Right now I'm completely and utterly fucked, now that I'd tasted her, I could never get enough of her

Since the first fucking time I laid eyes on her I felt something that I don't know how to put into words. I knew that she was going to cause a lot of trouble in my life without her even knowing it

She's beautiful and her fucking body looks like it was built by gods, but that isn't the thing that made me feel something towards her; it was her way of being, stubborn yet loyal, caring, brave... she's a literal angel

And I'm a fucking asshole for having her, for wanting to claim her as mine

Because I'm her worse nightmare and she doesn't even know it

I care about her and I should do what a proper person would do in my position, let her go because I know I'll only destroy her. But I can't, I'm selfish enough to want her all to myself despite everything

But one thing is clear, I'll protect her at all costs

It also felt really weird to be next to her, like I knew her from before, so when I found her book...

Everything made sense

The missing piece of the puzzle was handed to me

Bloody hell

Without even knowing it I accomplished my promise

I found her again

When I found out about that, something inside of me made me feel something stronger for her, it can't be love because I don't know how to love, but I felt more possessive over her

I could kill anyone who dared to get her

She's mine

She has been mine since a long time ago

And I won't let her go

Not again

Not when I thought I had lost her

Not when she's everything I need

April shifted in my arms and sighed happily when she found my chest, resting her head on my chest. I never thought I'll be laying in bed like this with someone, or wanting to kiss every inch of her. I started slightly stroking her hair so I could see her perfect face

I wanted to tell her so bad about it

But I can't do it

I can't do that to her

To myself

For now it's a secret I'll keep to myself


My Iris...

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