Among Us Logic 3: MrEgg's POV

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In the first game, PoopyFarts96 and Gnome double-killed TheGentleman and I in the very first round. We had only very recently begun our 'partnership', so it was nice to have all that time to talk about... 'work' stuff, as we call it. I was a little annoyed that everyone thought I was MrCheese, because TheGentleman had not yet announced their termination. In other words, the fact that MrCheese dumped him for being as abusive towards him as he was back then. But it was mostly fine. That rotten mess deserved to get tossed, if you ask me. TheGentleman and I are a MUCH better fit. Back to the game, I also was annoyed at how horrible Veteran was at this game. Normally, it isn't too out of the ordinary, with the discount Zapp Brannigan, the garden gnome, the geology major who doesn't talk about rocks all that often, or the living bruh moment, this guy literally named himself 'Veteran' when he's the biggest noob in the lobby, and this was his eggcual first game! Eggcelent point AND pun there, MrEgg! 

After the game,  TheGentleman gave me a proper introduction to the group. Nobody really seemed to miss MrCheese all that much, and TheGentleman was definitely better to me than him, so that's an eggstremely nice turn of events! While Veteran was talking about that 'Fall Guys' game that got steamrolled by Among Us a few weeks into it's life, TheGentleman and I were trying to learn the language of Fart from PoopyFarts96. It's a very intricate and difficult language to learn, since it usually consists of just one or two farts a sentence. I had no idea how the act of farting could make such a sophisticated way of speaking. But when our lesson ended, we went over to Player and Veteran. They were accusing TheGentleman of having an insane ego, and being almost as big a noob as them two, but I wasn't having it. I was confused too, since Player HAS seen TheGentleman win, just as a ghost. TheGentleman told me so, anyway, but that's an odd thing to make up, so I believe him. Soon enough, the poorly chosen 'Captain' began the game.


The game I'd been waiting to happen for so long happened, surprisingly, two games in. TheGentleman and I were stripped of our tasks, instead with only three tasks: Vent, Sabotage, and most importantly, KILL. We set to work on our plan immediately. We noticed Stoner and Bro scanning in Medbay, but two confirmed Crewmates would, as Engineer would say, increase the odds of it being us. So we slit their necks. What we DIDN'T know was that Player and Veteran were standing right behind us when we did that. So we formulated a long-term plan: Frame Player as we go along, and hope the crew doesn't realise how that makes no sense without an alive Veteran. The few people who would, we would kill. It was an eggsquisite plan! Back to Medbay, we put Round One into action. When Veteran and Player reported us, we messed with Veteran's head, stalling as the voting time went down, and everyone resorted to just skipping the vote. 

———No-one was ejected (skipped)———

Next, we split up. TheGentleman would viciously vent-stab Veteran, and I'd aim my non-cheddar gun at Engineer, flowing up with a pull of the trigger. I followed Engineer and Gnome up to Admin, lurking in the nonsensically liked up vent system, hoping for Gnome to leave, so I could mark my prey, and hunt. But she and Engineer flirted for, like, a solid minute, minute and quarter, so when Engineer left to fix the Greenhouse wiring, I took Egg White I could get (Get it?) and blasted Gnome's face off to Hell's garden. When I saw a flashing report icon, I was worried Engineer double-backed into Admin, catching me with the body. BUT, the corpse in the flash was yellow, so I knew that it was, in fact, TheGentleman succeeding in his plan. At the table, Player rambled on about what happened that round, but, luckily, dumbshell Captain didn't believe him still. HE of all people somehow understands Fart, so he and PoopyFarts96 came up with the VERY stupid idea of voting Engineer into the dark, breezy abyss of the clouds. We went along with it, since we DID still need to get him out of the way.

———Engineer was not An Impostor———

Captain started to ease into Player's team, which was worrying, but it's was Captain, so I stopped worrying. When we scattered, we agreed to stick with Captain and PoopyFarts96 for  bit, but I'd vent away to kill Player when they weren't looking. If I killed him, we'd win. But he got to the button before I could, we'd make SURE he gets ejected. So, I vented from Lauchpad to Balcony, making some very cool moves coming out of the vent, and chased for Player's HEAD. He just about managed to reach the Button in time, but that was planned for anyway.


Player managed to shout first, so he got a slight edge over myself and TG early. Luckily, that was forgotten about soon, since Captain and PoopyFarts96 started having an eggstremely off-topic conversation about the upcomings of modern technology. It was dumb, but for our benefit! Player then pulled one final egg out of his basket, and made an incredibly moving speech to win over Captain and PoopyFarts96. It almost even worked on TheGentleman and I, but the American flag being used and not the Union Jack was what scratched the record, and gave TheGentleman a brilliant idea. When the speech was done, he PRETENDED to admit to the crimes, and have himself ejected, but turned it around on those fools, and got Player thrown out instead at the last second. 

———Player was not An Impostor———

As Player fell, he insulted the entire lobby, saying he needed a new one. I personally, however, feel that that is unjust. There are enough good players in this lobby to form a pretty good game, even with Player in it. Only about HALF the players are complete and utter dumbbutts. That's honestly the best compliment I can give them. But back on topic...


As we re-entered the lobby, Gnome and Engineer continued their flirting for even LONGER than last time. I could hear them all throughout my lesson in Fart with PoopyFarts96, so at the end, I just told them to get on with it already and stop with all this buildup. TheGentleman and I then left the lobby, and, two weeks later, it seems my advice did indeed work out. Eggselent stuff, MrEgg! Thank you, MrEgg! You are welcome to the eggstreme, MrEgg!

I am incredibly lonely.

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