Among Us Logic | Jailbreak: Gnome's POV

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The lobby had collectively agreed that every few weeks, we would MOD the lobby to spice play up a tad! The fantasy elements worked pretty well last time, but Captain made a surprisingly good point about how SO OP literally EVERYTHING was, so we decided to maybe not give EVERYONE a modification next time. Y'know, like how we only ever have like 1 or 2 modded combatants on GameToons Gaming. I have no idea what that is, it isn't in my timeline, but you get my point! So when the week rolled around, TheGentleman rallied up most of the lobby, and we searched the Internet for Among Us mods we could install! After MANY failed attempts for TheGentleman to try and open all the necessary tabs. Like the computer when it exploded in that one attempt, he's a complete boomer to be perfectly honest. Engineer's calculations proved that true, so I have factual data! With NO bias in the favour of me being right WHATSOEVER! Nope. I mean, obviously, Engineer is VERY biased towards me, but you seriously think he wou;d specifically program his overcomplicated mechanisms to be WRONG? When he goes MAD Scientist, he goes MATH Scientist! With a little bit o' chemistry tossed in for good measure, like how a little pineapple on pizza brings a HORRIBLE flavour to the pizza, but provides an awesome challenge to evade! I also probably want to evade Bro for a while. 

He's actually the one who invented the Jailer mod for us all in the first place! For an overconfident nuisance, he has some tech skills. He had recently tried to fit himself back into his Officer Bro role, and inventing a police mod was OBVIOUSLY a sound idea in his tiny little head! But the buffoon made it RANDOMISED who got the Jailer role, and so it auto-selected MrCheese. Bro flipped out, and disapprove from the Dropship when he was hit with this shocker! And also MrCheese's fist. It was in excitement, with no REAL malicious intent! But malicious intent is a phrase I would become VERY accustomed to in the following match... since it got stuck in Stoner's head the whole round, and Player LITERALLY gave himself up as The Impostor so Stoner  could have a chance of shutting up his puny mouth! So we restarted, and then I got handed that phrase like it was VERY questionable skin products from Stoner! Because both work surprisingly well.


I was the lone Impostor. No Engineer to give me unnecessary aiding (unless he teamed with me as a Crewmate, I guess, but I don't think even HE'S hat desperate for work) no annoying snowmen to get in my way, and no PoopyFarts96 to stink the whole place up! Unless his smell covers the WHOLE damn airship! And that's only possible if he was playing immediately after another burrito-eating contest again! I still hold a decent grudge against MrCheese for creating that competition, as well as, even in the ONE sort game we played earlier, somehow jailing both me AND Engineer in like two seconds! And not even for anything REASONABLE, it was just because he was 'grossed out' by our love. Says the fool with the ROTTEN CHEESE glued to his hippocampus! And so I decided to USE this murderous opportunity to rid the game of "Officer Cheese" as MALICIOUSLY as I could! But this task came at a price. Engineer's experiments have been going a little awry lately, and he's been a lot more clingy than usual to me. He follows me around the whole map for "safety with a trusted loved one". So it would be RATHER difficult to land kills without him noticing.... if he were ALIVE, that is. It was difficult, I'll admit. But as we spawned into the Brig, and bridged across the Gap Room... I grabbed the pencil laying on the floor, and LEAD him to his sharpened demise! Hah. Lead. I thrusted the tool BURSTINg through his neck, severing his beauty of a brain in the process. Even in his death, I wanted to display his incredible mind to the whole lobby, and so I STRAPPED his gorgeous head to the Gap Room window, utilising the pencil utensil's potential with walls! I boarded to the left side, and used the vent systems to reach down to Security with Player and Rookie for the alibi.

Down there, I talked them up with reasonings as to why Engineer wasn't with me at the moment. I made up that to get our tasks done as fast as possible, so we could have some alone time afterwards, Engineer split off from me in the Engine Room, and ran up to the Brig area. Rookie tried to question what I meant by 'alone time' but Player shut him up. To be honest, it was kinda unnecessary to insult him THAT much whilst just telling him to be quiet, but Player has MANY pent-up frustrations, so I guess it's healthy to take them out on SOMEONE at SOME point. Especially a dumb dork moron like that guy! They bolted to Electrical, and I just simply watched through the cameras for any viable prey. There were some opportunities, but they were too risky from all the way down here. SO, I just relaxed in the chair, and checked over my game-plan mentally. Officer Cheese ran by me at one point to rescue Player and Rookie from Electrical, but nothing else really happened in Security. BUT, since Rookie, layer MrCheese saw me down there recently, I was a highly unlikely suspect for the kill on my most LOVED Crewmate on the other side of the map! It was a CRACKING display of intelligence, unlike those punks who CRACKED through my garden gnome collection! (They sounded a lot like Bro and Greaser too... I think I have another revenge plot brewing...) When Officer Cheese located the corpse, I was to be seen OH so far away, with almost no ability to commit the crime!

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