Among Us Logic 2: Bro's POV

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I was just wandering around as a ghost in the first game. Goober caught me venting, and had me yeeted into the cold, cosmic chasm in the very first round. It was annoying, I have to admit, getting caught out by that fool, and relegated to sabotage duty, but thanks to my incredible ghost skills as a saboteur (not at all getting carried at ALL by Ninja, nope), I took the victory along with that Naruto fanboy. I took a page from the messy pile of pages of my good friend Stoner, and rocked out the the cool music for a few brief seconds. It was awesome. I just wish ghosts had feet, so I could be wearing the DRIP I totally have. Check it!

When we re-entered the lobby, I gloated over the noob guy, and insulted his constant whining about himself sucking so hard. It's like, how hard is it to win ONE game in like two weeks of playing, dumbbutt! No-one understands a word Ninja says, but he STILL gets his point across more then you do, idiot! I gave that dude the great life advice of, in a nutshell 'Give up, nutshell' and wandered off with Ninja to gloat on everyone else. Noob guy continued to whine about his 8-mile-high stack of Ls, while I went over to Goober to bash her for only doing HALF of the necessary catching-the-Impostoring. Idiot. Continue the job you started, at the very least! Heh. But the thing with Goober is that, while she's SUPER dumb, her third eye can really give you the creeps sometimes. I dragged Ninja off to try and find someone else to pick on. But before we could, Captain loaded a metaphorical gun, and shot the game off. No idea how exactly a gun was used in that scenario, bromigos. I'd lead this lobby way better than that dummy. I'd actually fill this lobby with COMPETENT players, but are also cool enough to not be TOO tryhardy and ruin all the fun. That would be awesome. The game? Oh yeah, right, that.


I usually rage-quit when I'm a Crewmate, but I today thought, "Hey! I should probably stop doing that. Some of the tasks are COOL, it'd be nice to actually see them in action." And then I was like, "Yup! Good thinking! We stick around with Stoner too!, and not have to watch him have his neck brutally snapped by the Mexican dude." "That too! We are on fire!" I thought, as I walked up to Stoner in every room he was in, and completed my tasks in the complete wrong order. Same as him, actually. How much of that stuff does he DO? Anyways, when we were in Storage, I thought I heard Gentleman getting stabbed a whole bunch, followed by a conversation between the noob and the Cheesehead, but it was probably just the questionable skin products Stoner makes in Polus. They really do do so much for your complexure. Heh. Doo-doo. Cool joke, man.


Ninja reported TheGentleman's body, but we had no idea what the situation was, since he refuses to learn English, like what I tried to shout at him in the vents, and Goober recognised me for. Which totally means she agrees. Totally. English is a good language, because I speak English, and I'm cool. Hence, English is cool, y'all. Right, the game, yeah. I should focus on that. MrCheese aid he saw Ninja vent, which I didn't believe for a second, since they were never even really in a room together, dudes, but at the same time, everyone else was voting Ninja, so I did too. As you would in that situation, without even REMOTELY questioning MrCheese. It's just logic, people! Among Us is game for making friendships, and ruining them within a month, not decision-making! Like, with thought and reason! Only logic.

———Ninja was not An Impostor———

Captain correctly deduces the suspiciousness of MrCheese, but everyone agreed that he was too dumb to maliciously frame Ninja back then. Especially Goober, with the highly intelligent remark of "Ha! MrCheese dum!" Incredible. Maybe I should talk down to her less. It would be helpful to not have that eye's sins crawling on my back at all times. MrCheese then gets mad at Goober specifically for that, whacks her thrice on the stone floor, and stabs her many times. In front of literally all of us. Dummy. PoopyFarts calls a meeting, and we all conscientiously agree to vote MrCheese, no discussion necessary. Because that's how cool people talk, and everyone there either had already achieved that status, or were desperately trying, and just coming off as as a cringy blue jerk. Obviously I'm the former, c'mon. I got a backwards hat! The coolest headwear of all the headwear! Stoner agrees, but the weed ingrown into his skull throws off anything he tries to put on, it's weird. The game? I guess we can continue with that, yeah.

———MrCheese was An Impostor———

As we all split up, I again think I hear Player talking about getting a kill when he passes by Stoner and I in Weapons. We agree to split up, in case Player targets either of us for the previous games we played against him, in which we weren't the best people to him. We were awesome people to him, and he's too nooby to get that. I notice Player heading into Navigation with Mother, so after a few seconds, I look in to see if he's readying to kill her, but he seems to have swiftly put the knife away, so I have no true evidence. He continues to act suspiciously, but nothing I can eject him on. But just then...


Stoner is very suspicious of Captain for following him around everywhere. Capatain seems to have been thinking they were 'having a nice evening together' which is exclusive to me and Stoner, so I'm sus of him too. Even through Player's suspiciousness, Captain seemed like the most logical vote. Especially as he said he finished all his tasks, but Captain's WAY too dumb to complete almost every task in Among Us. So, I lead the mutiny on him, and have him hoisted into the harsh horizon.

———Captain was not An Impostor———

So... now I definitely think it's Player, like, 100%. That dude's red hands are caught red-handed! But I have no evidence, and if Player kills Stoner, I have no-one backing me up if he accuses me. But at the same time, Player could get revenge on Stoner an I by killing us both, and accuse PF, without PoopyFarts96 himself being able to defend. So, Stoner and PoopyFarts stick together, and head off to the Engines, and I go to Navigation to see if Player attempts to strike there again. I pass Mother in Storage, we insult MrCheese some more for around half a minute, since he saw his dumb orange suit trapped in the garbage chute, and I advise her to check up on PF and Stoner, to see if they're, as you say, alive. They were not, and she reported their deaths.


At the table, Player attempts to accuse me, knowing that Mother probably isn't a good choice of accusation. I deflect it onto him, reminding Mother of our rendezvous in Storage, and that I couldn't' s done it. BUT... Player makes a good move by mentioning how he didn't kill Mother in Navigation, and I almost lose the game, and suffocate in space for the next few seconds. BUT... MrCheese crashes into the Cafeteria window, unmutes his Discord, reveals that it was Player, and we eject them both out into the deep breaches of the stars.


We re-enter the lobby, MrCheese gets yelled at a ton by Player and TheGentleman, and I think to myself, "Wow. I won that game with brilliant deduction  and manipulation of the Impostors. Well done, me. You didn't get carried at all, never, nuh-uh."

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