Among Us Logic 9: MrCheese's POV

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Haha! I knew you'd pick ME to be the first character to give TWO POVs! The cheesy boys shall always prevail! It's undeniable! My cheddar crown is better than gold! I should actually start doing the thing instead of bragging endlessly? Yeah, that sounds about right. 

When TheGentleman and I spawned into the Dropship, I wasn't feeling to good about that day. TheGentleman would be away on a work project for the next 2 weeks after this game, and I was trying and failing to imagine life without him for another 2 weeks! The first time was BRUTAL, and plotting my revenge on MrEgg was my only coping method! But no-one did anything to me this time, so I had nothing! So I procrastinated TheGentleman's departure as long as I could, by gathering just enough players for a good amount of Among Us games, and stretched them out as far as I could! Although that was difficult, with two of the players I rounded up being Goober and PoopyFarts96, who are probably, let's just say, THE WORST at dragging things out. PoopyFarts96 can only do anything with Captain alive, and even THEN he still doesn't do much, and Goober is Goober. We try to exclude her from games as much as possible, but she finds her way in sometimes.

Veteran and Goober were discussing what happens when fish get thirsty (They were both using different definitions of 'thirsty'), whilst Mother's children tried their best to tell them they were both so freaking wrong, on many different levels. TheGentleman and I were scoffing at them, when Mother came over to us, and tried to ask TheGentleman for advice on what to do when her children's insults thrown at Goober and Veteran reached a point where it was worrying, because it was at that moment. I shoved that space witch away, as I did not want TheGentleman getting any ideas when he was on his trip! I'M the only bean he freaking needs! I was SO gonna screw Mother over at my next chance, that lady is NOT to my liking, ohhhh no. She can take her little brats, and go FAR FAR away! But TheGentleman was getting tired of my constant complaining about her, so he went and convinced Captain to start the game already. Reasonable man, he is.


It happened again! At the best time, too! Mother and myself were The Impostors, so you BET I was gonna YEET her right under that there space bus. But first, I needed a kill to frame her for. I noticed her heading into Medbay, 'because her children loved to play on the scanner' so I grabbed TheGentleman's hand, and led him into Electrical with me. That way, I could say she vented in, and killed whoever happened to walk in with TheGentleman and myself, because that was my intended plan. I would wait for someone to walk in here to do their tasks without fearing the Kill Cooldown too much, and break their stupid-IQ necks. I would have Mother ejected for her 'crimes', since TheGentleman would vouch for me, and no-one would vouch for Mother. So when Veteran walked in, I was readying up. But TheGentleman almost began an argument between us, and I didn't want that on our last day for 2 weeks, so I snapped HIS neck instead.......

Just kidding, I would never kill him for such a dumb reason! I only kill him when he ACTUALLY starts to argue with me, at best! I misclicked when I was aiming for Veteran. But I had to take what I could get, even if what I got was essentially lemons that COULD make lemonade, but had many properties of eggs, and not lemons.


So, I went ahead with my plan, with a FEW alterations. I knew Veteran would not vouch for my innocence like TheGentleman would, so I had 40 seconds to come up with a new plan, whilst I dodged Veteran's accusations and Mother's defences. I decided on a making a cute face, to sway the judges, as you do. It worked, and I even got to throw that annoying little runt Franklin out the airlock too! It was a fun meeting.

———Mother was An Impostor———

In the following round, all I had to do was stick with Veteran in Electrical, trying some more to show that I am, in FALSE fact, a Crewmate. Then, when he was downloading those dumb files, I vented to Medbay, and saw Goober and PoopyFarts96 entering in to join Player and Captain. I couldn't have that, so my plan was to kill Captain, and leave the others in a pandemonium of panic, and wrong accusations! But again, I misclicked, and somehow killed PoopyFarts96 and Goober at the same time. I honestly had no idea how that happened, I guess I glitched out or something? But again, I had to utilise my only options. I escaped, and hoped Player was dumb enough to not remember Captain scanning a few seconds earlier.


He was. 

———Captain was not An Impostor———

And then comes the part that GameToons REALLY focused on for some reason. The interrogation. Player and I strapped Veteran to a chair, and 'questioned' him about the events of the game. I say 'questioned' because I needed to let my Kill Cooldown cool down, so I activated 'Dumb MrCheese' mode, and let the silliness stall the clock for as LONG as I needed. It was horrible. I had to decrease my beautiful, flowing intelligence to an egg just so I could run the clock till the cows come home. (More like the DOGS....... Cheddar.......) but I did it. And I shot Veteran's dumb face to the GROUND, people! I win, baby!


Back in the Dropship, you BET your aged Gouda I popped off! Until TheGentleman started to have a bored look on his visor. I didn't want to upset him right before he left, but I think I did a little, since he left the lobby. I kicked everyone out, so I could just..... sit alone for 2 weeks, I guess. But then I realised something. MrEgg was my coping method during the FIRST TheGentleman departure, so he had to be my coping method for the second. But thi was not going to be revenge, oh no. I invited him into the lobby, and we resolved our issues. We were no longer constantly going for each-others' throats. And to show that, MrEgg built me a certain helpful robot........

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