Among Us Logic 12: TheGentleman's POV

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The first game we played was an.... interesting one. It seemed that Mother was coming on to me again, like she did on Halloween, when we were alone in Admin. I could hear very annoyed, cheesy noises coming from the vent. MrCheese was in there! I was worried he was going to jump out and gun myself down for flirting with Mother, but he did not. Instead, Mother realised I knew, and........ honestly........ Timmy's knife REALLY hurt this time. I've been killed by it before, but this time, it was like it was SHARPENED! I spent the rest of the game as a ghost. MrEgg tried to pull the same stuff Mother did, when it was just us two as ghosts, but I still refused. I had managed to enable the lobby with Proximity Chat, so MrCheese may have been able to hear the conversation anyway. Recently, I had gone an extra week on a work trip than I had told MrCheese, and I was really doing my best to make it up to him. I watched over him as a ghost, getting kills on everyone in the SAME ROUND he had killed me (he had truly upped his Impostor skills this time!) And never even NEEDED to blame Mother, and have her thrown into the agonising azure abyss. I had invoked an Airship to fly past our Mira HQ to hype the lobby for it's release. Which, as it turns out, was not as early in 2021 as I had assumed. So maybe that wasn't the best idea, hyping up something that would take months to actually happen. But then the game was won by Mother and MrCheese, so I can stop ranting about that.


Back in the Dropship, I had to sort out the MrEgg conundrum some more, so I just left MrCheese to...... be MrCheese. MrEgg was REALLY playing the part of the bitter ex, and I saw Mother having to cover her children's ears multiple times. I'm honestly not sure when exactly MrCheese and MrEgg patched things up, but they really were alright with their childish squabbles. Especially as Mother was a common hatred for the two of them, and they could get mad about her for hours. But again, I preferred this lobby more professional and mature, so I had to go in and calm them down sometimes. That's just how it is sometimes in this (at certain times) dumb lobby.

I overheard Player and Veteran discussing someone who could FINALLY get Player a win. I sensed who they were talking about, and played some Japanese music to set the tone. Ninja hadn't played in the lobby for a couple of weeks, so it was going to be enjoyable playing with him again. I even gave Veteran Ninja's Discord, since those two barely even played together anyway, and he did not have it previously. Veteran called him up, and invited him into the lobby. When he entered, I pulled out my Google Translate, but it gave such varying results every time I refreshed it, that I still did not understand anything he was saying. That thing is really the worst sometimes. The only one who seemed to understand him was PoopyFarts96, but since we couldn't understand EITHER of them, that was no help. Captain wasn't in the lobby at that point, but even if he DIDN'T only enter when we were just about to start the game, going through 2 different, probably, sort of, unreliable, translators, might screw up what he's saying anyway. We just started the game when Captain got here, and hoped for the best.


Everyone scattered as per usual, and MrCheese and I headed up to Office. We both had the extraordinarily long Download task, and we just wanted to be safe whilst doing it. So we Medbay-scanned each other, Ninja and Player running past midway through, and then, as we were making our way ACTUALLY up to Office, we came across PoopyFarts96's body lying across the Hallway floor. There was a giant hole inside of him, so he had clearly been impaled.


"MrCheese and I found PoopyFarts96 dead!" I announced, before then seeing and exclaiming, "And Veteran's dead too! Where was he last seen, everyone?" MrEgg pointed out that he, Player and Ninja all stayed behind at Launchpad, and Veteran had not been seen since. MrCheese helpfully contributed that Player and Ninja were viewed running past myself and himself in Medbay, and that PoopyFarts was found dead close to that area. But Player made the logical rebuttal of "Ninja and I went into Locker Room after we passed you! We never entered the Hallway! Isn't it a possibility that Veteran walked from Launchpad to Medbay, got killed by you two, and then you SELF-REPORTED PoopyFarts?" To which I replied with, "The Doorlogs would prove whether you did or did not activate the Southwest sensor. If you did, you would come across PoopyFarts96, and it is likely you and Ninja. If you didn't, then you didn't, and aren't, and it is likely MrCheese and myself. Everyone skip the vote, and take a look at the Doorlogs as soon as you can." And so we all skipped the vote.

———No-one was ejected (Skipped)———

Just then, as we got back to the regular gameplay, Ninja sabotaged the Communications, erasing the Doorlog readings. It was a smart move, I admit, but annoying, since now we had no proof of who is lying. The group next split in two, in order to stop BOTH sides of the sabotage. Player and Ninja got MrEgg to stay behind with them, so that he could vouch for them. MrCheese, Bro and Captain went to the Communications section, however Mother and I myself traversed the Hallway up to the Office sector. Even without MrCheese present, I was still cautious around Mother. When the sabotage was fixed, MrCheese and I met in the Hallway, and together walked up to Laboratory. We caught Ninja and Player standing over Bro's corpse, discussing Ninja's non-bilingualism. Obviously, we called them out for their Impostor evildoings, and reported Bro.


Next, MrCheese and I engaged in a battle of wits and logic against Ninja and Player, each attempting to gain Captain's trust, and win the match. Player and Ninja got SO CLOSE, by using Captain's fondness for Player as a tactic. Just before MrCheese was thrown out, he brought up an excellent point. If Captain and Player truly were best friends, Player would likely know Captain's TRUE first name. He knew this from the last game, when Player mentioned it in his Airship daydream. Player guesses Captain's true name incorrectly, and the game was won.

———Player was An Impostor———


———Ninja was An Impostor———


Back in the Dropship, Captain was reasonably angry at Player. But then, his head started to grow an evil look. He was formulating a plan, which as I heard from MrCheese, took place a month later. Player didn't notice, but I did. So I took MrCheese's advice, and tried to play in as few games with Captain as I could, to avoid being collateral damage. Which actually worked! I was not in the lobby when everything went down! I honestly sort of felt left out, but that's better than being completely zombified, if I do say so myself! Which I do!

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