Among Us Logic, but The Impostor Changes Colours: Stoner's POV

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Sup, dudes! And anyone who isn't comfortable being labelled as a dude. Gender's a scam, remember that. Been a long time. I've had experiences you wouldn't BELIEVE since our last, like, shindig, because I think some of them may or may not have been hallucinations. But whatever, I'm still ignoring what the logic is in any situation and winning in life. It's how I cope with participating every other day in an Among Us lobby that can never keep some life continuity. The flow just takes me wherever the universe decides, and today, I somehow got here. I don't think you actually invited me to do this interview, but I accepted the idea to do so, and then it was now! So, uh... the continuum of time is irrelevant, and let's flashback to the past! All I remember right now is some pretty rainbows, but I'm sure the rest'll come to me.

Oh, yeah! The context. So, basically, Player had been really vibing with that weird beep bop funk game, so he had kinda left us all in the dust. (Some say he's off playing copyright-infringing mods and trying to date a video game character, but I don't take that as canon) All I had to remember him by was Captain and Veteran being depressed about his disappearance, but I'm sure they'll launch themselves into a state of denial soon. I even gave them some fake-name ideas for them to annoy Player with when they hit that stage. (I had accidentally called Player "Playman" multiple times before, so I knew he didn't kike it) But they had been holding together for the most part. I wasn't really expecting that. Similarly to Player actually returning! But I was more focused on something else at that point, so I can't really, like, tell you all that much about Player's reaction to the lobby.

What I CAN say is that I was hanging out with CapDum and Sheriff, and believe me... that is an annoying trio. Captain and Dum are constantly miscommunicating with each other, and Sheriff is horrible at communicating his "implied dibs" on Brown. I personally believe that everything is connected, so communication issues should truly be a non-issue. But Sheriff tries to insist himself as a cool loner, and Captain and Dum lack the intellect to comprehend my knowledge. They're cool peeps, but I really think in the branching of life, they're just too far apart. Obviously not in a physical sense, since they see each other all the time, but in a way that they can't connect all too well without a huge stretch. Also, never assume I mean ANYTHING physically, because I never do. Physicality is a myth. That's why bean game is most of my life. So when I saw beautiful rainbow colour in my selection, I had to press the button! It's like I always say, "when a button-shaped opportunity arises, punch it and monitor the outcome." Except I never "always say" anything, because life is a whirlpool of change, and I'm riding the wave.


I was an Impostor, once again. Felt really good to finally be back in action! I haven't had the role for weeks. And I haven't had the real deal... like, outside of mod Impostor roles... in forever. Although I consider "forever" to be all moments of time, so that really could mean anything. Anyways, Playman had been selected as my murderous amigo, and it was about. Damn. Time. He and I had somehow never gotten it ONCE, even though it's a perfect coincidence! I handed Player his first sighting of the letter L in Among Us (other than his own name. And Gentledude's name. And many other instances. But I'll just let the flow of time sweep up that grammatical error) through myself being an Impostor, so it would be a perfect fit for him to see his first sighting of the letter W (let it wash away...) through us being a teamed Impostor... well, team. 

After an extended conversation I, sorta, don't feel like I should tell you about (because I get the vibe you don't want to hear everything twice, but I never truly hear anything, so that's a non-issue for me, personally.) I set off with a gun to slit everyone's throats! You might think "Dude, you don't use a GUN to slit throats, how the hell would you even do that?" And I'd reply as confused as you are. "How am I hearing your insane thoughts right now?" Anyways, since Captain and Dum were at a rotten stage of their relationship, all I could do was assume they had weakened their guards down. So, watching Captain enter Admin as I was staring at the fun green lighting, I slit his neck with a gun! Don't ask me how, because I didn't even hear how I MYSELF pulled it off, and I don't expect you to. Especially as this fanfiction I seem to be trapped in is not an audiobook. I transferred his visual soul into my skin, and I was ready to pass off as Captain for the next meeting, unless someone actually expected me to lead anything. If that happened, I'd just yell "Everyone scatter!" and hope they listened. Which is exactly what I mentally prepared for when this happened. (Wait, when WHAT happened...)


(Oh, right, that. Sorry, I was too mesmerised by the new visuals to remember)

Anyways, yeah, meeting. I just tried to lay low, so Captain's highness wouldn't show. He's obviously kind of a doofus, but my ongoing controversial addictio- I mean, *past-time* would definitely prove that there was an imposter pretending to be that Crewmate...

Why am I getting a sense of deja vu from that? 

Anyways, I wasn't entirely paying attention, but I could tell Player was framing PoopyFarts, so I summoned my Captain instincts the best I could, and let those brainwaves take over to mask my current state of existence. I think it worked, because I overheard everyone chanting "aye!" Like we always do when flinging some poor soul into the dark abyss. Maybe we shouldn't be acting so excited about that, now that I think about it... so I won't think about it. Existential problem solved! Oh yeah, and

———PoopyFarts96 was not An Impostor———

Keeping up my leader charade, I commended the crew to scatter. Seeing Dum run so energetically away from someone she believed was her boyfriend once again made me worried for the state of their relationship, but the winds of time will probably sort that mess out. Or Bro will snap and them and force them to break up. One or the other. Moving on, I moved on to yet more conjuring of my innate Captain spirit, as I sung a barely-rhyming, repetitive-ass song about emptying garbage, and it was fun! I pondered whether I should become a professional actor with these insane Impostor skills, but they'd probably throw me out of any auditions calling me a pothead. But I know they're wrong, as I wouldn't dare wear my pot hat to an audition. I'm stoned, but sane. I even managed to stop my friend from murdering me without murdering him back! Sane.

Player was unable to kill me, since I was literally on his team, so I transferred my consciousness back to Stoner's control. (I'm Stoner) Player acted very eager to kill Captain, but as a self-proclaimed-as-of-just-now acting master, I think it was a facade. We had a talk about our strategies, but we were completely unaware of Gentledude and Cowboy Compadre listening in. Creeps. We shot them dead and stole their skin, like normal people.

We then went on a montage of a killing spree, as we randomly cut away to the killings of many of our friends, AS many of our friends! I don't entirely know how Dum died though. I kinda blacked out for most of the montage. And since you already know everything that happens after that, with all the random ejections, and Player FINALLY winning a goddamn game something even I thought was impossible, I'll simply leave you with this advice:

Get a good Captain impression. It may be useful, somehow.


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