Among Us Logic | The King Impostor: Captain's POV

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In the first game we played that day, MrCheese really did have some incredible Impostor skills at play! He got my kill off first, gunning my face off in the Admin, but made sure to time it so that Veteran would walk by the Navigation vent on cams, witnessed by Mother, before sabotaging the Comms, reporting the body, and perfectly framing Veteran to look like he vented in, and initiated the kill! It was honestly incredible to watch that unfold! MrCheese is REALLY good at this sometimes. After Veteran was ejected, he got ANOTHER kill on Mother in Medbay, before the scene where he hacks and slashes the life out of Player and Stoner! It was truly an indescribable match to behold. He was the mass-murderer to mass-murder all his possible opponents! Which were none in this metaphorical context!


As we spawned back into the Dropship, as you know, the lobby all gave MrCheese his well-deserved praise and admiration! He really was great at this game, I have to say. As the fearless leader of this lobby, it's extraordinarily difficult to MATCH my sky-high skill level, but MrCheese, the odds-on, orange Olympian managed to do it! I bowed down in honour, as did everyone else. He had all the rights to it. I even threw Veteran's crown squarely on MrCheese's cheddar, where it most certainly belonged, as he is..... The King Impostor! Plus, the crown looks dumb on Veteran, and I think he might have mutated it... but I don't want to think about that too much, so back to MrCheese. I could swear he was omnicompetent! Unless he wound up on the same team as Player (it happens to the best of us), he was unstoppable! Indestructible! As we chanted his name to the skies, there was NOTHING that would make us stop! But then there was a cute robot, so we obviously stopped celebrating that overconfident, orange oppression.

 What was so great about him anyway? I can't even pronounce his cheese name! That dumb dork moron can go rot in a hole, Qwerty was so adorable and lovable! I could just crush him into scrap metal, wait for his dishevelled, rustic corpse to melt under the sun, and just eat him up! He even managed to rock TheGentleman's hat, so we could finally stop staring at that monstrosity of a clothing choice of his! Instead, we could stare at the supremely cute, charming, and delightful robot I could even comprehend! Too bad I'm too poor to afford one for myself..... it'll take so long to rake up 2 dollars.... anyway, the match! Right after I talk up Qwerty some more! He even has such otherworldly tiny arms, which he wiggled about in just the most encapsulating manner! Where am I even getting these words from.... I think it's coming from- oh right, I should talk about the game! Right, yeah. I should stop stalling that. Wait, Qwerty's even more inexplicably amazing there! Why am I avoiding it? Oh wait, I remember now. That was a rollercoaster of a third of a minute, am I right?...........I'll get to the game.


I was a gold, old-fashioned, reliable Crewmate! But even if I was An Impostor, I'd probably just end up throwing the game to stare into Qwerty's magical soul some more! He was so great! As we ran around the map, not at all scattered really, breathing down Qwerty's barely-existent neck watching him perfectly handle and complete his chores around the The Skeld life, in awe at his adorable essence, I barely even thought about my own tasks! Qwerty was just doing so well with his! He was a beam of blinding light from the decapitating, deceptive, murder game that is Among Us! As the leader, I obviously had to take this situation into my own hands. I couldn't just let no-one get their jobs done and just mindlessly stare at a robot somehow doing even the bare minimum as a worker here on the ship!..... just kidding, that's exactly what I was doing! I didn't want to be a hypocrite, so I had everyone else follow suit! Plus, with only 2 Impostors, and the 6 of us all packed together like eggs in a carton, we were safe from having our faces burnt off with a blowtorch! Which actually isn't even an exaggeration that one time, but that's a story for a day far into the winds of time and space that is later! Or so I thought..... as Veteran was offed within the stack, and we were all too busy watching Player's idiotic Distract-Pan Dance to notice Veteran's stiff, icy neck getting twisted like a game of Twister I try and get Player to play with me, but he always has no time, so i just end up playing with PoopyFarts as my backup! The only reason I was watching Player's parade anyway was because I felt bad for him. He never, never, never wins a single game, ever, he's still a little mad I'm dating his sister, and he never, never, never wins a single game, ever! Never! And now the severe lack of attention even being brought to any of that, instead being showered on a somehow-fully-functioning robot that I refuse to question has gotten to his head, and he just wants SOMEONE to see, and maybe help him with his pain! But I can't do any of that right now, as Qwerty is too cute to ignore, and Veteran is dead! His deceased rating is humongous, but luckily just in Among Us! (Maybe not luckily, that best-friend snatcher.... actually no, I'm pretty Ok with that now. Why am I stalling this interview so much with stupid details.)


We held a meeting to discuss the situation that had recently occurred in Weapons, and gawk at Qwerty standing to innocently and preciously on the table in the meantime! We had a fair share of opinions to throw around the round table, including one that seemed VERY aggressive an undeservedly harsh to Player, but the top banana was that Qwerty himself claimed to have caught MrCheese in the act of vicious violence! But he unfortunately had no proof, other than hi wondrous little eyes! But then MrCheese snapped at Qwerty, calling him horrendous names for a CHILD robot to hear! So we threw that idiot out the airlock, to suffocate in the crushing, cold abyss of deep space. Looks like QWERTY'S the big cheese now!

———MrCheese was An Impostor———

That was extremely unsurprising. There's no chance a CREWMATE would be so rash to Qwerty! They'd get fired! And we all agreed that I tight be a good idea to actually do our jobs before WE get fired..... by the Impostor with a blowtorch. I still don't think it's a good idea to talk about that right now, in this moment. I SHOULD be talking about my adventure in the Navigation pod, a revolutionary story to amaze the future generations of our species for millenniums to come! I swiped that rocket to the NORTH, to the SOUTH, to the EAST, to URANUS, until it reached it's climax, it's final destination, and the most glorious words flashed before my visor: Task Completed. I didn't often see that message, so when I did, I knew I had to CELEBRATE! So, I did what any normal Crewmate would do. Test my strength on the vents, and find out if it was even humanly possible for a simple Crewmate to lift up a rock-hard, steel vent! And as you'd expect from how much I hyped up this tale........ I called in Qwerty to lift them up for me. He was so good at it, with his little metal arms, and his bouncing rubber wheels springing with joy! It was a great time, that event in Navigation. But then we had a PILE of murders on my hands, like I was suddenly handed a box of my dead friends on a silver platter! I may have to rethink that metaphor, now that I think about it.... wait, it's a simile! Not a metaphor! That solves the blinding issue! Now for my dead friends.


In just like 20 seconds, I was concerned with the most difficult task in all o Among Us. Being the third party when the two players you enjoy the company of most are strangling each other with accusations, and one of them is actually correct! And it's almost not possible to determine the liar! My head span in so many circles, it was like I was on a mutant unagi!But I couldn't just give up on my responsibilities as the Captain of this here ship! I just simply needed a more educated guess. So I skipped the vote, and hoped that my head wouldn't be bucketed in the Impostor's kick! 

———No-one was ejected. (Skipped)———

And so then, I travelled the lands to Shields, in which I had to resolve a war between the Hexagon kingdoms. I was faced with the same problem I was in the meeting, and I just, I COULDN'T take it, so I just went away to attempt to catch this Impostor, and end this game, so I can get back to adoring Qwerty in the lobby! And as I passed Navigation, I was horrified at my sight. Qwerty had hijacked the Navigation pod, with Player inside, and, with a click of a button, blew up the entire Navigation room in one laser! I didn't even know what I was looking at! How was any of this not even the stupidest thing to happen in this lobby at all! I was left wit many questions. But with one larger than any other...... why was Qwerty the complete opposite of what an Among Us robot usually looks like? Oh yeah, and if Player was The Impostor. He was. I win! As an alive person! Thanks to my own skill, wit, and existence! But it was mostly Qwerty. That cheating lovable and small though!


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