Among Us Logic | The Revenge Of Novisor: Wizard's POV

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I'm pretty new to what the Among Us fanbase dubs 'the AUL lobby' as I've only very recently been accepted in. My odds of getting in there were insanely low in REGULAR play, but the DAY The Airship released was where Among Us' playerbase SPIKED unreasonably high, due to the excitement of some actual GOOD updating of the game! (I cast my deepest, darkest insults upon you, dreaded Quickchat and Accounts.) So I was HYPED when I somehow by some ridiculously lucky.... luck, I suppose, I matched into the the very Dropship I had been studying the exotic nature of for MONTHS! I kept my hype under wraps, obviously. I mean, you probably all SAW what happened to me for simply BREATHING in this lobby as an outsider. But as I stuck around, developing my impact on the players, I was slowly accepted into the wondrous world of this lobby of PURE wizardry at it's greatest! And most stupid, to be perfectly honest. But I digress, the place is awesome. And my excellent camerawork slotted their way nicely into the enjoyable quirks of the cast! But their is ONE lingering creature I knew snapped at AND into this lobby every few weeks, and I was just crossing my wand that I would never be unlucky enough to play at that time. But alas, as I am here to tell the tale of.... I was.

You would THINK I'd be surprise to see only five other players in the lobby that day. But I in fact, was not, as... well, it would be absolutely, implausibly impossible! Because when I spawned into the Dropship originally, I was the final player slotted into the match! Ria, MrEgg, TheGentleman, and MrCheese were all there, completely okay, and their regular selves! Well, to my knowledge. I once again remind you that I haven't been in this rotation of players for very long. But still, all 4 of the aforementioned Crewmates were unscathed for a while, and we sorta just hung out in the Dropship for a bit! Player was AFK, but Veteran kinda assumed he was just sitting on a chair somewhere, so we all just went along with that. Player was ignored in the corner, and the rest of us talked over some stuff! Until PoopyFarts96's particular language style, combined with MrCheese and MrEgg's admittedly old food items for headwear, stunk the lobby up to a point that Captain had no choice BUT to start the game. And as the timer counted down, something very STRANGE occurred. On each number, a player 'disconnected' out of the main Dropship. First was Ria on 5, followed by MrEgg on 4, TheGentleman on 3, MrCheese on 2, and on 1, Player had a brief burst of aliveness, before then falling back into his weird dimensional paralysis state. But still, they all just FADED away from the lobby during the countdown! I doubt even my SPELLS could pull off any of the nasty business Novisor can pull.. but then again, it's not like I'm a demonic shadow ghost with a dying thirst for blood, so I may not be the most qualified!


As a Crewmate, I had low hopes for this match. Only the IMPOSTORS had the rights to let loose their insane powers and prowess for plunging us pathetic CREWMATES to our passings in a plethora of planned parricades and predicaments! (I think 'parricades' is a word) I had no ability to wield my MIGHTY wand stick, slashing so spicy, stripping sus-less settlers of their survival, or to excel at camerawork! I just had a butt-ton of wires to 'fix'. I mean like, how is it even POSSIBLE for the fixation process to be that simple? I asked Engineer many-a-time about this clear lack of logic, but even HE had no idea! I'm not complaining at all, I mean, I'm not a wizard of engineering, but without my spells, I look at these inaccurate and paradoxes with boredom of NOTHING ELSE to do that's even remotely interesting, unless by SOME luck I get the Developing Photos task. At least then I can mellow in the darkness, creating a beautiful array of selfies to gorge my eyes on! But I had no such opportunity this game. Meaning Novisor was REALLY close to not making it to the number-one reason of why this game sucked! The selfies are exquisite, people! Don't sleep on them!

Because I've tried that, and it didn't work.

SO, there I was. In the billiards room, with no billiards skill, and MANDATORY nonsense wiring to take care of. My visor was so dry for action, it's pupil may have rolled ITSELF. And whilst a nice burst of *interesting* gameplay from this lobby is appreciated once in a while to bring some HEAT to the games, almost having my SOUL ripped out isn't what I had in mind! But luckily, at least that came LATER than where we are at this point. I just heard Captain's nightmarish screaming coming from the Showers. I was enjoying his nice little song before that, so it was REALLy a mood-killer for the moment! I immediately began my search for his location. It really wasn't hard. Paying the utmost attention to the song was a GREAT benefit, as it turns out, since the lyrics going on about the showers made it PRETTY clear where he was. I looked the whole room up AND down, west AND north, and in AND on the vents, until I came across a dry, stabbed corpse lying brutally across the showering floor! Which, as it turns out, was in MIAN HALL and not Showers! Odd.


NOW we're nearing the tearing-down of my essence at the hands of Frog- I mean NOVisor! I will delay that moment of description as much as I can, but I suppose it still will have occurred... UNLESS- no.... even I'm not that powerful of a sorcerer. And I can make my selfies dance the Wizard Wiggle! And I invented the damn Wizard Wiggle for Novisor's sake! Actually, take that back. VERY much back, I hate that demon with every femur bone in my BODY, I misspoke! And I may only have that ONE bone, but it's a dang LARGE one! NOVISOR. That froggy fellow has no footing in societal sense. And I'M a freaking magic bean! Like, what! Anyways, back to Captain's malicious murdering! As I dropped to the table, I looked to the kill count. There were SO MANY more kills than I was anticipating! Like, not only was Captain a HORRIFIC sight for a simple warlock to behold, but Stoner and Veteran had been offed aswell, likely JUST as awfully!  I couldn't take it anymore. This match had just been blow after blow after blow, like a wizarding duel, only with WAY less epic showdowns of glory! I began to TORRENTIALLY tearbend, as I had almost reached my LOWEST level. Obviously, it wasn't even the lowest of that GAME, but it felt like it at the time! Through my busted vocabulary, I just about managed to present the situation from my mind-hole to Player and PF's. And then Player started to make a point... a deadly one. He claimed Novisor was the masterful killer behind all this, and that us three were in most CERTAIN danger! I truly didn't want to believe it.... but he was onto something. But I had to hold it back, as Captain was definitely killed by a NORMAL psycho Impostor, not a monstrous HELL demon HELL-bent on wreaking HELL and wrecking souls to HELL! This game was Hell on my mind.

Player had something going with his Novisor accusation, but he was causing a RAGING altercation between my brain cells! He was going on about crazy voices in his head, and I was worried for PoopyFarts! He was acting FREAKED about Player's weird ramblings! But Player wasn't done. He was told about a seance we had to perform for Novisor, in order to bring him down FINALLY! It sounded utterly INANE and INSANE.... but I knew he was right. I could feel it in my bone. We skipped the vote, and gathered our props for the nightmare ritual! Fun... we looked through a book Player grabbed form the Records Room, and attempted to comprehend what it was saying. But it was all written in some whatever-the-antonym-of-sacred-is language, that neither Player nor myself could read. After all, I haven't learnt a spell for reading Satanic texts! That comes later in my wizarding education, and I really aren't ready for it. I was also not ready for POOPYFARTS to go round and betray us like he did! I always got a low-intellect vibe from him, but now, all I could se him as was The Dark One. Novisor's right-hand-man. Boy, I prefer TheGentleman god-awful RHM getup to this bull! The electric vaporwaves FLUNG Player and I to the ground, and we grasped each other for dear LIFE! And as we trembled in the corner, we viewed this monstrous sight before us! Novisor warped his way into the Meeting Room in our presence, SNAPPED his locks off, and became what I may as well describe as the word that has been CIRCLING all around my skull for the past week; Frogvisor. That's right, I said it! FROGVISOR! His dummy legs made him look like a rotten toad! I kept my mental state alive with this observation, as Novisor further bridged his havoc onto us! AIDED by PoopyFarts96 handing over an IRL 300º KNIFE! In CELSIUS! Novisor then gave him a taste of his own potion, by SLICING his farty essence to the very floor I was trapped in! As great as it was to watch him die, I was still scream out of my mind! I BOLTED to the door with Player, but then, the worst POSSIBLE situation for me happened. The door locked as Player made out out of the room, but I myself did not escape. I was MAULED by a ruthless, non-toothless, urban phantom BEAST until I had no vital organs to spare! It was a LIFE-SHREDDING experience, and I wish to speak of it as LITTLE as I can, so goodbye, interviewer! See you in Novisor HELL!

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