Chapter 1: window boy

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"Rachel, I saw him!", Kurt exclaimed, grabbing his roommate and jumping up and down. "I saw him!" Rachel raised her eyebrow and tilted her head.

"Saw who?! Saw who?!", she asked, copying Kurt's tone. Kurt sighed.

"Window Boy! Remember? The boy I told you about, the one who I stalked at the diner the other day!" Rachel's eyes widened as she realized who Kurt was talking about.

"And? What happened?", she questioned. Kurt grinned.

"Nothing. I just took his coffee order", he said, remembering the encounter that happened just hours prior. "But what are the odds that he comes into my coffee shop, Rache?! My coffee shop!"

"I would say pretty good, how many coffee shops are there in that area? 2? Maybe 3", Rachel shrugged, promptly bursting Kurt's happy bubble.

"Ok...maybe that's true, but what are the odds that he came in while I was working?"

"Also pretty good, there's only two of you working there and you have long shifts there." Kurt groaned. "I'm sorry, I'm really happy for you I guess. Did you get "Window Boy"'s number?"

" I do plan I writing it on the cup the next time he comes in.." Rachel laughed.

"How cliche of you, Kurt Hummel", she said. "How much do you know about this boy anyway?"

"I-...nothing really", Kurt replied, looking down. "But, I know his coffee order, and that's really important. You can learn a lot about a man by their coffee order."


The next day at work, Kurt tapped his foot waiting for Window Boy to walk through the door. It might've been premature, but he had his coffee all ready for him, complete with his phone number.

When his shift ended, and Window Boy had yet to show, he realized that he may have made it all up in his head. He dumped out the cold coffee, made sure he paid for it before he left, and clocked out.


"I made it all up in my head. I saw the guy twice and thought 'Oh, I'm gonna marry you'..pathetic", Kurt mumbled. Rachel sighed sympathetically, placing her hand on Kurt's shoulder. "You were right. It was just luck that he happened to come into my coffee shop while I was working."

"Well, if it was luck, maybe you can get lucky again", Rachel replied. "I kind of have a date tonight..but I feel really bad leaving you alone." Kurt shrugged and wafted his hand.

"I'll be fine", he said, shoving a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth. "Is your date cute?"

"I don't know yet, his name is Brody, that's all I know", Rachel replied. Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"So this is a blind date? I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Why not try something new, maybe you should try it sometime, Kurt", she said before getting up from the couch. Like I'd try blind dating, Kurt thought. Blind dating is only for the desperate. I am not that desperate for love.


Once Rachel left, Kurt indulged himself in a Golden Girls marathon and more ice cream. When it was 12:00, Kurt realized that Rachel probably wasn't coming home, which was good for her, he guessed.

He spent a few more minutes feeling lonely and sorry for himself before he shut off the tv, put the ice cream back in the freezer, and went in the bathroom to start his nightly skincare routine.


The next day, Kurt clocked in at work as usual. He wasn't his usual cheery self that day. But, the day started to look up around 11:05.

"Can I just get a medium drip, please?", a guy asked him. Kurt didn't need to look up at the guy's face, he knew who it was by his voice. Window Boy.

"O-of course, coming right up, sir", Kurt stammered. Now that was pathetic. He made Window Boy his coffee and handed it to him, completely forgetting to put his number on the cup.

"Thank you..uh..Kurt", Window Boy said. Kurt froze.

"H-how-", he started to say. Window Boy smirked.

"Your name tag", he replied. "Have a good day, Kurt." He winked at him before turning on his heel and leaving the coffee shop, leaving Kurt with his mouth hanging open.


"I swear, it was the most awkward situation I have ever been in!", Kurt rambled on to Rachel later that day. "He stared at me for 5 seconds!" Rachel was too busy doing her makeup, Kurt wasn't even sure if she had heard him or not.

"Well, at least he knows your name", Rachel replied, blotting her lipstick. "And you said he winked at you?" Kurt nodded.

"I think he did, but maybe I just thought he did because that's what I wanted him to do." Rachel giggled.

"I thought you wanted him to do you.." Kurt's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Rachel!", he exclaimed, throwing a towel at her. "That's not true!"

"Not even a little bit?" Kurt bit his lip, looking down.

"Maybe a little", he mumbled, his face flushing red. "In the act of changing the subject off of myself, do you have another date tonight?" Rachel nodded.

"Another date, same guy", she replied, putting earrings in.

"Go Rachel", Kurt whistled. "Did you finally meet Mr. Right?" His roommate shrugged and smiled.

"I hope so." Rachel could see the frown on Kurt's face. "Don't worry, sweetie, you'll meet your Mr. Right soon enough." She cupped Kurt's face, knowing very well he hated when she did that.

"Stop that", Kurt whispered, starting to laugh. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Wanting to get rid of me that quickly, are you?" Kurt laughed and shook his head.

"I just don't want you to miss your date", he replied.

"Ok! I'm going!", Rachel said, getting her heels and her coat on. "Don't wait up for me!"

"I didn't last night, why would I wait up tonight?!", Kurt called after her as she shut the door behind her.

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