Chapter 11: turn this house into a home

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"I have a question for you, my boyfriend", Blaine started, putting a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Kurt raised an eyebrow, turning to Blaine.

"Yes, boyfriend?", Kurt replied.

"It's a really important question, you can totally say no if you want", Blaine said, grabbing Kurt's hands. "I want you to move in with me." Kurt froze momentarily, blinking.

"You...what?", he asked. "Say that again."

"I want you to move in with me", Blaine repeated. "Like, live here with me." Kurt blinked again.

"Wouldn't that be weird?", he asked, tilting his head.

"Um...what do you mean 'weird'?", Blaine replied. "I think it's time to take the next step in this relationship."

"What about Sam? Wouldn't it be weird for him?", Kurt asked again. Blaine still looked confused.

"Kurt, it won't be weird, he likes you, you're the first actual boyfriend he likes of mine", he replied. "Why are you making that face? Don't worry, Sam's not homophobic or anything like that."

"No, that's not-", Kurt started to say.

"Yes it is, I remember the first time you were over here, you didn't want to make out in case Sam saw us", Blaine said. "Listen, I have an idea of what your life was like, so I kind of understand why you're scared, but I really want you to move in with me."

"Ok...yeah...let's do it", Kurt nodded.

"Are you sure? If this is too much then we can wait a while", Blaine replied. "We can wait a month, two months...a while." Kurt shook his head.

"I'm ready, I really really want to move in with you", he said, sincerely.


Over the course of 2 days, Kurt and Blaine, with the help of Sam and Brody, got Kurt all moved into Blaine's apartment.

"Does it feel like home yet?", Blaine asked, wrapping his arms around Kurt from behind. Kurt tensed up a little bit, then relaxed a tiny bit.

"I-I don't know yet", Kurt shrugged, turning his head around to look at Blaine. "It's a little bit too soon to say." Blaine nodded in agreement.

"I hope you don't regret this", he replied. "I-I really hope you like it here."

"Blaine, I know I like it here, I basically have been living here for weeks, this just means it's official", Kurt said, getting out of Blaine's grasp so that he could turn around and cup Blaine's cheeks. "I love you so much right now." Blaine breathed out softly and smiled.

"I love you so much right now", he replied, kissing Kurt lightly on the nose, then kissing him lightly on the lips. Kurt's hands moved down so that they were resting just above Blaine's butt, kissing Blaine passionately. "What are you doing?"

"I'm ready", Kurt said. "I'm ready."

"Ready for-", Blaine started to ask, but Kurt brought his fingers up to his lips.

"Sam's out?", Kurt asked. Blaine nodded. "We're alone?" Blaine nodded again. "Yo- our room. Now." Blaine smirked, following Blaine into their bedroom.

As soon as they locked the door, the two boys quickly undressed and got to work.


"...was it good for you?", Blaine asked, pulling his shirt over his head. Kurt nodded slowly, still sitting up by the headboard of the bed, not sure if he should get dressed yet.

" it..supposed to hurt after?", he asked, quietly. "It hurts.." Blaine paused halfway through pulling his pants up.

"I hurt you?", Blaine asked. "Oh..god, I'm so sorry!" Kurt looked over at him, chewing on his thumbnail.

"Not badly... I'll live, I promise", he replied. "Come over here." Blaine pulled his pants up all the way, then went to sit next to Kurt on the bed. " you."

"I love you", Blaine mumbled.

"I loved this...this was amazing", Kurt whispered, running his hands through the few curls that had come loose from the as a result of their fun.

"But you're hurt... I didn't mean for you to get hurt", Blaine replied. Kurt nodded.

"I know..I know", he said. "I'm ok, though."

"Promise?", Blaine asked. Kurt smiled, holding up his pinky.

"Pinky promise, handsome", he replied, linking his pinky with Blaine's.

" get dressed, I'm getting turned on again", Blaine said, laughing.

"Now would that be so tragic?", Kurt asked as Blaine handed him his clothes. Blaine shrugged.

"Wouldn't wanna hurt you again", he replied, half-jokingly.

"Blaine, I'm fine", Kurt said. "Je vais bien."

"Spanish?", Blaine asked. Kurt giggled, shaking his head.

"I'm basically fluent in French", he replied. "You didn't know?" It was Blaine's turn to shake his head.

"I didn't, it's...super hot", Blaine said, pressing a passionate kiss to Kurt's lips, which resulted in a makeout session.

"Vous avez plus chaud", Kurt murmured against Blaine's neck. "Beaucoup plus chaud." Blaine couldn't help but moan.

"Please...please speak French more often", he replied. "But, I don't think I could handle myself around you if you start doing that daily." Kurt giggled again.

"I'll try not to get you all hot and bothered", he said, tilting Blaine's chin up to look at him. "Je t'aime."

"I know that one! It means 'I love you', right?", Blaine replied, rather excitedly. Kurt smiled and nodded, tracing Blaine's jawline with his finger.

"Good job, baby", Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Will you actually let me get dressed now?" Blaine sighed rolling off of Kurt. "You know, I think I'm going to sleep well tonight."

"And why's that?", Blaine asked, already knowing the answer.

"Because I think I'm finally home", Kurt replied, pulling his shirt over his head. "Is that too cheesy?" Blaine shook his head, ruffling Kurt's hair.

"It's too perfect", he said, kissing Kurt lightly on the lips.


The next morning, Blaine woke up just before Kurt, but as he tried to move to get out of bed, Kurt stirred awake.

"Hey", he said, a little groggily.

"Hey", Blaine replied, smiling. "Sleep well?"

"Mhmm", Kurt hummed. Blaine cupped his cheek.

"Well that's..surprising, considering that he tossed and turned all night, and when you weren't doing that, you were kicking the crap out of me", he laughed lightly. Kurt's eyes widened.

"I-I did? Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear-", Kurt rambled on.

"Kurt...don't worry about it, ok? I've just never seen you do that before", Blaine replied. Kurt shrugged.

"...maybe my brain needs time to adjust to me being here..being home? Maybe that sounds stupid, but it makes sense to me", he said.

"It makes sense to me too", Blaine replied, to which Kurt smiled. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Kurt shook his head.

"Let me make breakfast for us", he replied, curtly. "I guess it's my kitchen, so I should get used to using it, shouldn't I?" Blaine couldn't help but giggle, getting out of bed and heading toward the kitchen, Kurt following quickly behind him. 

A/N: Some translations:
Je vais bien = "I'm fine."
Vous avez plus chaud = "You're hotter."
Beaucoup plus chaud = "Way hotter."

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