Chapter 4: it comes with two free kisses

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"I did it", Kurt said as soon as he walked into his apartment. "I kissed him."

"Oh I know", Rachel replied. "I was watching out the window. You really kissed him hard that second time, he wasn't expecting that." Kurt looked at Rachel, deadpanned.

"You're very nosy", he said. Rachel laughed.

"But yet you love me anyway", she replied. "So really how was it? ..minus the kiss, I mean." Kurt frowned.

"I called him 'babe', and that kind of ruined everything, but before that, it was really nice", he said. "We had a little picnic and we sang a duet."

"He sings? No wonder you like him", Rachel laughed, to which Kurt lightly slapped her on the arm.

"That's not the only reason I like him, you know, he's also very cute, his smile is gorgeous, his laugh is contagious...he's also very sweet and romantic, which is something I'm not used to.."

"I'm really happy for Kurt, like ridiculously happy for you", Rachel replied. "I know you haven't been this happy since high school."

"I know you haven't been this happy since high school either", Kurt said. "Ever since Finn told you to come here..." Rachel's eyebrows drew together.

"Why would you even bring him up, Kurt?", she asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh please, I thought you were over him, that's why you went on your blind date", Kurt replied. Rachel cornered herself with that one.

"I-I am...", she stammered. "And why did this conversation turn to Finn all of a sudden?!"

"It...didn't?", Kurt replied. "But I can tell that he's still a sensitive topic, so I'm going to change the subject now."

"Thank you", Rachel muttered. "Wait, are you two exclusive?"

"Me and Blaine? No...", Kurt replied, shrugging. "I want to be boyfriends though."


Kurt texted Blaine as soon as he woke up the next morning.

'Have work today, meet me there?'

He got an answer almost immediately.

'Already planned on it'

'I have something important I want to ask you'

'Leaving my apartment right now'


"Hello, sir, what would you like today?", Kurt asked, smiling at Blaine. Blaine searched the menu, thinking for a moment.

"Have any specials?", he asked. Kurt continued to smile.

"As a matter of fact we do", he replied. "Today, and today only, the medium drip comes with two free kisses." Blaine blushed and looked around.

"Right now?", he asked quietly. Kurt looked around and shook his head.

"Not right now, but later, I promise", he replied. "But I will get your medium drip, Blaine."

Once Blaine was handed his coffee, we waited at a table for Kurt.

"Hey, Jason, I'm going on break", Kurt said, taking off his apron and walking over to Blaine's table and sitting down across from him. "Hey."

"What did you wanna ask me, seemed important, consider you said it was important", Blaine laughed.

"Oh, yes, the important thing I wanted to ask you...", Kurt trailed off, avoiding eye contact with Blaine. "I was wondering...if..maybe..we" Blaine seemed surprised for a moment, sipping his coffee.

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