Chapter 3: just like in the movies

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"Tell me everything!", Rachel urged as soon as Kurt walked through the door. "How was it? How was he? Did he try anything?" Kurt bit his lip, sitting and laying back on the couch.

"I-I don't know...we just talked about ourselves", he replied. Rachel raised an eyebrow. "We-we got to know each other.."

"Are you planning to see Blaine again?" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Of course I plan to see him again...I just maybe didn't tell him that.." Rachel gasped.

"You didn't tell him you wanted a second date?!", she exclaimed. "What the hell, Kurt!"

"I didn't want to seem too eager, Rachel! I might scare him off or something!", Kurt replied.

"Hate to break it to you, babe, but you already seemed too eager the moment you gave him your number", Rachel said, taking a sip of her tea.

"I-...okay, maybe you're right, should I just tell him yes then?", Kurt asked, grabbing his phone from his coat.

"Yes to what?", Rachel asked. "Oh my god, did he already ask you on a second date?!"

"M-maybe", Kurt smiled. Rachel gasped again.

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel! You call Blaine up right now and tell him that you would love to go on a second date!", she replied. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"If you need me, I'll be in my bedroom", he said, getting up. Rachel shook her head. "Fine! I'll call him!"

Once Kurt was in the privacy of his bedroom, well privacy meaning a curtain separating Kurt's "bedroom" from the rest of the apartment, he scrolled on his phone until he found Blaine's contact.



"You asked me if we could go out again, I'm saying yes. I thought about it and the answer is definitely yes." Kurt could hear Blaine's tiny laugh.

"It's been 10 minutes, Kurt. You made your mind up that fast?" Kurt bit his lip.

"You'll grow to learn that I'm fast when it comes to a lot of things..." Blaine let out a low whistle. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.."

"I'm sure you did mean that" Kurt blushed.

"So a-about the second date..."

"Don't worry, I have that all taken care of-"

"Did you plan this already or something? I just told you I wanted to go on that second date."

"As a matter of fact, yes, I planned it as soon as I left your apartment."

"Tell me your plans?" Blaine laughed.

"No..I don't think so." Kurt pouted. "How does this Saturday sound?"

"That sounds perfect, Blaine. Time?" He was quiet for a moment, thinking.

"Do you have a curfew?" Kurt laughed. "I'm serious, would your roommate be pissed at me if I brought you back late?"

"I don't think Rachel cares what you nor I do, I obviously don't care when she comes back from her dates. But define 'late' please."

"9? 9:30?"

"That's not really late-"

"I could keep you out later if you want." Kurt's face heated.

"N-no, 9:30's fine."

"Excellent. I'll meet you outside your apartment at 5:30, Saturday."

"Perfect. See you then, Blaine."

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