Chapter 2: he has a name

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Window Boy showed up the next day, but Kurt was ready for him.

"Good morning, Kurt", he said, smiling. Kurt blinked a few times.

"G-good morning", he said. "What'll it be?" Window Boy's smile never left his face. "You're awfully cheery at such an early hour." Window Boy shrugged.

"It feels like it's going to be a great day today." Kurt smirked. "..I'll take a medium drip." Kurt made him his coffee, this time writing his number on the cup. "Here you go." Window Boy graciously took it and stared at Kurt like he did the day before.

"It's Blaine, by the way", he said.


"My name.. it's Blaine", the boy replied. "You wanted to know my name, didn't you?" Kurt's brain stopped functioning at that very moment.

"I-I...I like your name", he said. Blaine laughed.

"Thank you..I like my name too", he replied, holding eye contact with Kurt. "So..I guess I'll see you around, Kurt." Kurt blushed.

"Uh..yeah, yeah, see you around..Blaine" Kurt watched dreamily as the boy walked out of the coffee shop.


"Rachel, he has a name!", Kurt exclaimed as soon as he entered the apartment. "Rachel?!"

"I heard you!", Rachel called the bathroom. "He has a name?" Kurt set his bag down on the table before hopping on the counter.

"He has a name! Window Boy has a pretty name!", he said, smiling. "And, I gave him my number." Rachel came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel.

"What's Window Boy's pretty name?", she asked.

"Blaine", Kurt replied. "Isn't that the prettiest name you've ever heard?!" Rachel laughed.

"You are so...cute when you get excited, I swear", she said, pinching Kurt's cheeks. "So when is your wedding to "Window Blaine"?" Kurt blushed and brought his hands up to his face.

"..we decided that we want a spring wedding..preferably in a field of lilacs.." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, I can dream, can't I?" Rachel pursed her lips.

"I presume so...just don't dream..too hard", she said with a wink. Kurt groaned.

"I hate it here", he said, frowning. Rachel giggled.

"You love it here, you liar", she said, playfully slapping Kurt's shoulder. "I'm going out, do you need anything?"

"Uh...can you buy some of those little cookies that you bought last time..the ones that had that weird German name."

"The ones you ate and didn't let me have a single one?" Kurt nodded.

"Those would be the ones...thanks, babe", he said, hopping off the counter and going into his bedroom.


Kurt's phone pinged on his bed and he dove to get it.

'You put your number on the cup', the text read. Kurt's heart fluttered.

'I did', Kurt texted. 'Was I too forward?'

'Nah, you could've just asked", Blaine texted back. 'Or maybe that would've been weird'.

'Probably still would've been' He waited for Blaine's response.

'Yeah' Casual Kurt, keep it casual, he thought to himself.

'So..would you like to grab lunch..tomorrow?', Kurt texted. 'Just lunch..nothing more. I'll even pay' The three dots appeared on the screen.

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