Chapter 7: mistakes were...definitely made

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"Kurt, it's just a lunch! I don't see what the big deal is!", Blaine exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Kurt's eyebrows drew together as he tilted his head.

"I-I didn't say anything, Blaine", he replied. "Why would you think it bothers me that Sebastian wants to have lunch with you?"

"Because that's how we started, as a casual lunch, remember?" Kurt nodded and grabbed Blaine's hand.

"But, Blaine, I trust you enough to know that you won't cheat on me with..him", he said. "Right?"

"No...I-I mean yes! You can trust me", Blaine said as Kurt ran his hand over Blaine's gelled hair. "I promise. What will you be doing when I'm Sebastian? I'm only asking because I don't want you to have nothing to do except wait for me."

"I might go visit Rachel and Brody, he's been spending a lot of time over at the apartment recently", Kurt replied. "It's weird, I've been spending almost all of my time over here with you, that I've almost forgotten that I don't live with you, I live with Rachel."

"Well, you might as well be living with me. How many nights have you spent here again?", Blaine asked, smirking. "5..6?"

"7, if you count tonight", Kurt replied, kissing the tip of Blaine's nose. "It is alright with you, I'm assuming?"

"Absolutely", Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt softly. He hooked his arm around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer, kissing him passionately, slipping his tongue into Kurt's mouth. Kurt pressed his hand to Blaine's chest softly to get him to stop.

"Nope", he said, wagging his finger at Blaine playfully. "Don't start something you can't finish. I'm gonna head to the apartment now." Blaine pouted.

"But why? Can't we make out for a few minutes?", he asked, his hands wandering up Blaine's side, and Kurt not-so-subtly removed them. "You're very mean." Kurt pecked him on the lips.

"I love you", he said quickly, so quickly that Kurt didn't even realize he uttered those words, that was until he saw the look on Blaine's face. The look of confusion.

"You love me?", Blaine asked, making puppy dog eyes. Kurt's face went whiter than it already was, which he didn't think was possible.

"I-I mean yes I do, but I wish I didn't say it like that...", Kurt stammered. "But do you love me too?"

"Of course I love you too", Blaine murmured. "I love you more than you'll ever know." Kurt smiled.

"As much as I would love to hear about how much you love me, I'm gonna get heading to the apartment", he said, breaking away from Blaine's hold on him and grabbing his jacket.

"Fine. I'll text you when I'm done, then we can finish what we started a moment earlier", Blaine replied as Kurt rolled his eyes and left.


"Haven't heard from you, my roommate, in a while", Rachel teased Kurt as she sat down next to him on the couch, Brody sitting down in the chair next to them.

"Sorry I've been busy having a life", Kurt teased back. Rachel raised his eyebrow.

"You hang out with Blaine all day, how is that "busy having a life"?", Rachel asked.

"Blaine is my life", Kurt said, simply. "Sooo...what have you two been up to?" Brody cleared his throat and nodded toward Rachel.

" know that Funny Girl open call I was telling you about?", Rachel asked. Kurt shook his head. He probably wasn't paying attention to Rachel at the time she was referring to. "I got the part! I got the part of Fanny!"

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!", Kurt exclaimed, hugging Rachel tightly. "That's amazing! Your dream role!" Rachel smiled brightly. "So when's opening night?"

"Not sure yet, but I will keep you posted, I'm guessing you and Blaine will be coming?", Rachel asked. Kurt nodded eagerly.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world!", he replied.


As the hours went by, Kurt wondered if maybe Blaine forgot about him, maybe he was having too much fun with Sebastian. He checked his phone on and off, hoping that he could get some indication that Blaine was thinking about him. His heart fluttered when he saw that Blaine had texted him.

'I know it's late, well not really late, but was wondering if you would like to grab dinner...'

'But i thought you wanted us to go back to your apartment and finish what you started...??'

'I did say that, but I need to talk to you, and I'd rather not talk when we're making out'


'The little restaurant on the corner, you know the place'

'I'll be there'


"What's up, Blaine?", Kurt asked, sliding in the seat across from his boyfriend. "Did you and Sebastian have a nice "catching up" session?" Blaine never looked up at him, he was too busy twiddling his thumbs.

"...something happened", he finally murmured, looking up at Kurt. Kurt noticed that his face was tear-stained.

"Y-you guys did something, didn't you?", Kurt uttered, feeling tears threaten to spill out of his eyes. "Did you sleep with him?"

"N-no, it was nothing like-"

"You told me that you wouldn' promised me!", Kurt exclaimed, earning him a couple glares from people just trying to enjoy their dinner.

"Kurt, It just sort of-", Blaine tried to say, but he ended up being cut off when Kurt abruptly got up from his chair. "W-where are you going?!"

"Back to my apartment, I don't care to listen to you if you obviously don't care about me", Kurt replied, walking away, but turned back to mutter one last thing. "Screw you, Blaine, and I guess screw myself for thinking that you wouldn't run off with some other guy, they all do." Now that Kurt had the final word, he walked out of the restaurant and towards his apartment once again.

On his way back, he felt anger boiling inside him. It was at that moment that he heard screaming in the alley he was walking past. He noticed two guys beating a smaller guy. It was probably a bad decision to get involved, but he was already heated, so he couldn't stop himself if he tried.

He was able to get the guys off of the smaller one so he could get away, but then the guys ganged up on him, beating him to the ground. He wasn't sure, but he thought one of the guys smashed his head with something.

The guys left him in that alley, looking about as lifeless as a fish on land.


"Blaine? It's's about Kurt-"

"Rachel, I really don't wanna talk about it anymore, I know I made a mistake, but I just-"

"Blaine, there's been an accident, I'm at the hospital right now..." Blaine felt his heart drop.

"I-I'm on my way." 

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