the epilogue

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4 years later...

My name is Kurt Hummel, and I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world. 5 years ago I would've never dreamed that I would be starring in my first Broadway production, and have a fiancé of 2 years. I still work at the coffee shop part-time, because it just brings me such good memories.

I'm a two-year graduate of NYADA. After I graduated, Blaine and I talked about actually getting married and settling down. The next thing I knew, he proposed to me in Central Park. We have our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade our relationship for the world. He's my person.

Blaine walks into the coffee shop, followed by Rachel, Brody, and their 3-year-old daughter, Barbara.

"Hey, babe", Blaine says, kissing Kurt on the cheek. "How's your day so far?" Kurt smiles. Even after years, Kurt still finds himself blushing when Blaine is around. It's a force of habit.

"It's better now that you're here", Kurt replies. "Do you want your usual?" Blaine nods. Kurt turns to Rachel and Brody. "What can I get you two?"

"Could I just get a small hot tea?", Rachel asks. "And a large hot coffee, black, for my wonderful husband." Kurt chuckles when Brody pulls out his wallet. "Oh, and a kid's hot chocolate for Barbra. Thanks, Kurt, you're a doll." Kurt rolls his eyes but smiles and starts making the drinks.


"I'm taking my break", Kurt calls to the back room. He takes his apron off and sits down at the table with everyone.

"So... any wedding news?", Rachel asks. "Come on, you guys, you've been teasing us for months about the date." Blaine sips his coffee and smiles, grabbing Kurt's hand under the table.

"Should I tell them?", he asks. Kurt bites his lip but nods. Blaine smiles and looks over at Rachel and Brody. "We've decided that we're going to get married the first week of August, whatever the first Saturday is. The date is on the calendar, I just can't remember exactly what it is." Rachel squeals in excitement.

"I'm so happy for you two!", she exclaims. "And are you guys thinking about family plans? Any kids in the future for you two?"

"I... I'm not sure", Kurt mumbles. "Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but adoption is so expensive nowadays, and surrogacy is even more so."

"What if I was your surrogate?", Rachel suggests. "You guys, it can be a full circle moment!" She's obviously referring to the fact that she was a surrogate baby to two dads.

"I don't know, Rach", Kurt says, biting his lip. "You would really be willing to be our surrogate?" Rachel nods and Blaine lays his hand on Kurt's thigh, looking at him with bright eyes.

"Please", he mumbles. Kurt sighs. He can't deny that he really wants a child, he just can't help but feel really anxious at the thought of it all.

"Can we think about it, Rachel?", Kurt asks. Rachel nods, as Blaine pouts. "Baby, I just- .. I can't think about it right now. That's a big decision, y'know." Blaine nods.

"I understand", Blaine whispers. Kurt bites his lip harder and looks back over at Rachel.

"Screw it", he says. "I would love for you to be the surrogate, Rachel." Blaine's face lights up like it's Christmas. "I really want kids, and I know you do, and I know that we'll be on this journey together, so..."

"Are you sure you're up for this, Rache?", Brody asks. Rachel nods.

"I would give anything in the world to make these guys parents", she replies. Blaine smiles.

"I have to get back to work, you guys", Kurt says, getting up from his seat. "We'll talk about the details later, okay?" Rachel nods. Kurt kisses Blaine before returning to his place behind the counter.


"You're amazing", Blaine says, staring at Kurt across the kitchen table.

"I know I am", Kurt replies, smiling just as brightly. "But what did I do this time?" Blaine reaches for Kurt's hand.

"We're going to be parents", he says, giddily. "We're going to be getting married. I am so happy." Kurt took a bite of his food.

"Have you ever wondered when the time period is for little kids to just... stop throwing fits?", he asks. Blaine raises an eyebrow. "I mean.. when is that point in a kid's life where they just stop throwing tantrums after finding out they can't get what they want?"

"Where are you going with this?", Blaine replies, questioningly.

"I'm just saying.. we're going to have to witness those kinds of things when we have our child-"

"Our children", Blaine butts in. Kurt rolls his eyes lightheartedly.

"Anyway, I just wanted to know if you ever wondered about that sort of thing", he says.

"I think that's called 'maturity', dear", Blaine replies.

"Well, obviously, yeah. But I mean, I remember how scared I was when I lost my first baby tooth. And then I look back on it and think that it wasn't a bad thing."

"I guess you're right", Blaine shrugs. "You're nervous, aren't you?"

"How could you tell?", Kurt asks. "Of course I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be? I don't know the first thing about being a father. I could barely babysit Rachel's baby, and that was with your help." Blaine chuckles softly.

"We're in this together, babe."

"In this together." Blaine interlaces his fingers with Kurt's.

fearlessly and forever.

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