Chapter 8: what a bunch of a-holes

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Blaine breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Kurt's eyes flutter open.

"You're alright", he said, scooching his chair closer to the hospital bed. It took Kurt a moment to get a sense of his surroundings and remember what had happened. He narrowed his eyes at the man sitting in the chair next to him.

"W-why are you here?", Kurt asked, trying to shift more comfortably on the, very uncomfortable, bed.

"Rachel called me, she said you were in an accident", Blaine replied. "I'm actually a little hurt that I'm not your emergency contact..." Kurt scoffed.

"You're the one who's hurt?!", Kurt exclaimed, to the best of his ability. Blaine flinched. "You're the one who decided to play Tongue Tag with a former fling!" Blaine tried to grab Kurt's hand, but he pulled it away.

"Kurt...please", he said, his eyes filling with tears. Kurt shook his head.

"You know what, Blaine, just leave, or so help me god, I will kick you out myself", Kurt replied. "Go back to Sebastian, I'm sure you two have some unfinished business."

"Kurt, please, come on! Can I explain? Please?!"

"What's there to explain here, Blaine?! You and Sebastian did something! Are you going to tell me it didn't mean anything?", Kurt asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It didn't mean anything, Kurt! I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see if there was anything still there between him and I, but there wasn't! Kurt, I swear to you, it was only a stupid kiss!"

"Blaine, please leave", Kurt replied, sighing. "I really don't wanna hear it right now." He started to close his eyes, but he could still feel Blaine staring at him. "Please!" He heard Blaine sigh before finally leaving.


"Oh good, Dad didn't wanna come, so he sent you", Kurt said sarcastically as his eyes fluttered open and fell upon his brother sitting in the seat next to his bed.

"What happened?", Finn asked. Kurt sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"I won a fight, proud of me?", he replied, sarcastically. Finn shook his head. "...there were these two guys who were beating up this small guy. I assume it was another gay-bashing thing, they've been everywhere lately. I decided to be a hero."

"What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed!", Finn exclaimed.

"I'm fine! It's not any different than what I got in high school", Kurt replied, crossing his arms over his chest. Finn scoffed.

"This obviously was more than an old-fashioned high school beatdown in the parking lot! God, you can be so stupid sometimes!", he shouted. Kurt flinched slightly.

"I'm sorry, I don't recall you ever being the smart one here, and me being the dumb one", Kurt snarkily said.

"That was low", Finn replied, narrowing his eyes at Kurt. "But I'm going to ignore that because you're right." Kurt's eyebrows drew together and he tilted his head. "What made you do it?"

" know that boy I told you about the last time we talked?", Kurt asked him. Finn shook his head. "His name's Blaine and I technically met him at the coffee shop. I guess we're still dating because I never really broke up with him, but he..uh..cheated on me with someone he used to know."

"And you decided to try to get yourself killed because he cheated on you?", Finn asked.

"No! Well, I-I don't know...I wasn't looking for a fight, I'll tell you that", Kurt responded. "I was really mad at him though." Finn nodded.

"But you can't be mad at him forever, can you?", he asked him. "I mean, when Rachel cheated on me I wasn't mad at her for very long." Kurt shrugged, considering.

"How long are you staying?", he decided to ask, in hopes of changing the subject. Finn shrugged.

"Depends how long you're in here", he replied. "I already cleared it with Rachel and she said I could sleep on her couch." Kurt cleared his throat.

"My couch, Finn, Rachel could never pick out a piece like that", he said, shaking his head. Finn laughed slightly.

"My mistake, Rachel said I could sleep on your couch for as long as I want.."

"Did you meet her boyfriend yet?", Kurt asked Finn. Finn nodded.

"Brody? Yeah, he..seems nice, really..nice", he replied, looking down. "Rachel seems to really like him..yep." Kurt shook his head like a disappointed father.

"You told her to come here, Finn, don't act like the victim...", he muttered. "God, I have such a headache!"

"Did they- did they give you anything for the pain?", Finn asked. Kurt nodded. "How much pain are you in exactly?"

"Not much, I just feel like I've been beaten up by a bunch of a-holes", Kurt said, lying his head back. "Could you..go? Maybe then i'll be able to get a little sleep.."

"Yeah..yeah, have a good nap, I'll come by later", Finn said before leaving the room.

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