Chapter 12: let's go back to the start

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It was a rare occasion that Kurt woke up before Blaine, but on that day he happened to. Kurt softly smiled at the boy lying in the bed next to him, while his head was propped up on his hand. All at once, a memory came flooding back to him.

"It's Blaine, by the way."


"My name.. it's Blaine. You wanted to know my name, didn't you?"

"Good morning, handsome", Blaine said groggily, breaking Kurt out of his daydream. "What were you thinking about?" Kurt smiled softly.

"You", he replied. Blaine smiled up at him.

"Anything specific?", he asked Kurt, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"I was thinking about when we first met... well the first time I knew your name", Kurt replied. Blaine quirked his eyebrow and smiled.

"You hungry?", he asked Kurt. Kurt looked down and smirked. "Oh come on, it's too early for that. How about I make you a breakfast sandwich or something? Or do you actually want to help make breakfast this morning?"

"I'll take a breakfast sandwich, please", Kurt replied, teasingly. "Do we still have any of those good English muffins left? If not, then I'll have my sandwich on a bagel."

"I think I saved one because I know you like them so well", Blaine said. "I'll pick up some more on my way home from my classes this morning."

"You're so good to me", Kurt said, kissing the tip of Blaine's nose.

"What are your plans for today?", Blaine asked, moving the covers over so that he could get up.

"Work", Kurt replied, rolling over to get out of bed. "I wish I could lay in bed with you all day, sweetheart." Blaine blushed.

"I know right, it's a bummer we have to be actual adults", he teased. "What are your hours today?"

"10:30 to 3:30", Kurt replied. "Would you like to visit me after classes?"

"If you finally give me that free coffee you're always tempting me with, then I'll think about it", Blaine said, putting on a pair of jeans.

"Maybe", Kurt replied. "Can you grab me a shirt?" Blaine got up and picked out one of Kurt's shirts and handed it to him. "No, one of yours, silly."

"..are you sure they'll fit you?", Blaine asked. "I'm built a little bit differently than you." Kurt smirked and shook his head.

"Just give me one of your shirts, hon", he replied. "Please." Blaine complied and gave Kurt one of his shirts.

"It's my favorite shirt, so don't get it dirty", he said, putting one of his shirts on himself. "I'll never forgive you."

"I call bullshit, mister", Kurt said, putting a pair of pants on. "You'll always forgive me, I'm your favorite boy, remember?"

"You're my favorite pain in the ass", Blaine blankly said.

"Aww", Kurt replied, as Blaine went into the kitchen. "You love me so much."


Once Kurt had his clothes on, he went to the kitchen and sat on the island stool.

"What are your plans for today, mister?", he asked. Blaine buttered a piece of toast.

"Classes until noon, then I think I'll just wait until you get back", Blaine shrugged, putting the piece of toast in his mouth.

"You're pathetic", Kurt teased. Blaine smiled through his mouthful of toast.

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