Chapter 10: someone has a secret

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"And you're completely over him?", Kurt asked Blaine. They were sitting on Blaine's couch facing each other, while Kurt was eating cereal.

"Completely over him", Blaine confirmed. Kurt paused to take a bite.

"And you have no contact with him?", Kurt asked. Blaine nodded.

"No contact with him", he confirmed again. "Are you almost done with that?" Kurt shook his head and took another bite.

"Want some?", he asked, gesturing down to the bowl. Blaine opened his mouth so that Kurt could fit a spoonful into his mouth.

"Thank you", Blaine said as he chewed.

"Uh-uh, no talking with your mouth full", Kurt playfully scolded. "Talk less, chew more." Blaine waited until he swallowed and then laughed.

"Seriously referencing Hamilton, Kurt?", he said in between giggles.

"I'm surprised you even know what that is", Kurt shrugged, swirling his spoon around in the milk. Blaine grabbed the bowl out of Kurt's hand and set it on the coffee table. "Hey! I wasn't done!" Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's.

"I'm sorry, but the cereal was in my way", he said, kissing Kurt again. "I love kissing you."

"You do?", Kurt asked, smiling.

"Uh-huh, I do, a lot", Blaine confirmed. "Oh..I wanted to talk to you about..the shower thing.."

"The shower thing..", Kurt whispered, becoming very uncomfortable.

"I know we didn' anything, but I want to make sure that you were comfortable", Blaine replied.

"It was...weird. It was nothing you did per se, I just felt I didn't like it", Kurt confessed. "I hated that you saw me like that, Blaine." Blaine's eyes softened as he cupped Kurt's cheek.

"'re beautiful", he replied. "Like, stunningly beautiful." Kurt blushed.

"I-I guess I'm just trying to say... I'm not ready for that kind of...intimacy.. not yet", he whispered. Blaine nodded in understanding.

"I know that.. I-I mean, I figured that much", he replied. Kurt looked down. "Hey..I would never ever pressure you into anything. If you weren't comfortable in the shower, why didn't you tell me?" Kurt shrugged.

"Not sure... I'm sorry for not telling you", he murmured. Blaine took a hold of Kurt's hands and squeezed them lightly.

"Don't be sorry for something like that!", Blaine replied. " you and I want you to feel safe with me." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hands back, nodding his head.

"I do feel safe with Blainey, I really do, and I promise I'll tell you when I feel comfortable enough to do something...intimate", he said, pecking Blaine's lips. "Shoot! What time is it?" Blaine grabbed his phone and checked the time.

"8:30, why? Do you have another boyfriend to get to?", Blaine teasingly asked. Kurt smiled, shaking his head.

"No... it's just Finn, he's leaving soon and I want to make sure I tell him goodbye", he responded. Blaine pouted slightly.

"You'll come back after you're done, right?", Blaine asked. Kurt nodded. "And you'll spend the night, right?" Kurt nodded.

"If you want me to", he said, starting to get up and grab his bag from the chair. Blaine nodded eagerly.

"Of course I want you to", he replied. Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's cheek.

"Bye, Sam!", Kurt called into the blonde boy's bedroom.

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