Chapter 9: i feel like a loser, i feel like i'm lost

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"Are you okay? Do you need anything?", Rachel asked Kurt as soon as he sat down on the couch.

"Rachel, I'm fine", Kurt replied, with just a hint of annoyance. "I just got out of the hospital, I'm not dying."

"Just trying to make sure you're not in any pain, Kurt". Kurt nodded.

"I know that, but I'm ok, just a few scratches here and there, but I'm ok Rachel", he assured.

"Alright then, I gotta get to class", Rachel replied. She turned her attention to Finn, who had plopped down on the couch next to Kurt. "Watch him." Then she left. Kurt instantly stood up.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? Did you not just hear Rachel?", Finn asked. Kurt groaned.

"She didn't mean that you had to keep an eye on me the whole time, Finn! Plus, you of all people should know when I need my space, so I'll be in my room if you need me." With that, he went into his room, shutting the curtain behind him.


He didn't know how long he spent alone in his room. It could have been a couple of hours, a couple of minutes, but all he knew was that there was a knock at the door, which broke him out of his own little world he was in.

"Finn! Get the door!", he shouted. He waited a moment and didn't hear any movement, so he sighed, getting up and going out in the living room. He walked by the couch, noticing Finn sleeping soundly on the couch. Kurt sighed again, shaking his head, making his way to the door.

"Sebastian", he breathed. He started to shut the door, but Sebastian stopped him.

"Wait! Wait, Kurt, stop!", he said, holding his hands up to the door. "Please..." Kurt looked back to see if Finn had woken up, but he didn't, so Kurt slipped out into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"What do you want?", Kurt asked the taller man. "You have...3 minutes."

"First of all, I heard what happened, I'm glad you're ok-" Kurt rolled his eyes. "Second of all, I need to clear some things up-"

"What could you possibly clear up for me, Sebastian?! Blaine- he..he cheated on me! With you!", Kurt shouted, cutting Sebastian off. "Everything seems clear for me, Mr. Former Fling!" Sebastian flinched from the raise in Kurt's voice, stepping back.

"I don't know what Blaine told you, but it was only a kiss, Kurt. A kiss initiated by me", Sebastian replied. "If you wanna blame anyone here, blame me, not Blaine. I could tell he didn't enjoy it as much as I did." Kurt tapped his foot, crossing his arms.

"So...what are you trying to tell me, Sebastian?", Kurt asked, tilting his head.

"Quit being mad at him! I talked to his roommate, Sam. He said that Blaine's barely eaten and hardly has been sleeping the past couple days, I heard he hasn't even tried to gel his hair. That's what Blaine does, he blames himself for things that aren't even his fault."

"So, you're saying I should just forgive him?", Kurt asked. Sebastian nodded.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. That's the only way to stop Blaine from beating himself up over this, Kurt, he loves you, I can see that now." Kurt nodded slowly.

"I-I guess I'll go over there...", he whispered, looking back towards the door. "I'm sure I'll have time before Finn wakes up..."


Kurt knocked twice and waited. When he decided no one was going to answer, he tried the doorknob, which opened rather easily. That's got to be dangerous, he thought as he walked into a very dark apartment.

His eyes fell on a lump on the couch, a Blaine-sized lump. Kurt fumbled with the light switches, turning them on and off until he found the one he was looking for.

"Sam...turn the lights off", Blaine mumbled from underneath a blanket. "..leave me alone." Kurt frowned, walking over to the couch.

"It's not..Sam", Kurt murmured, sitting down next to the curled-up Blaine. He removed some of the blanket that covered Blaine's face. "...It's Kurt." Blaine rubbed his eyes and looked up at him.

"K-Kurt? What are..doing here?", he asked. Kurt moved down to stroke Blaine's cheek.

"Blaine, I'm really really sorry about what happened", he said. "I think I might have overreacted. Sebastian...told me that you didn't initiate the kiss, nor did you enjoy the kiss. I soon I heard that something went on between you two..I just panicked, my coping mechanism was to blame you...I'm really sorry." Blaine started crying, burying his head in Kurt's chest.

"Kurt...I'm so glad you're ok, I don't know..I don't know what I would've done if you weren't ok... I'm..really sorry, Kurt", he said. Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's curls.

"Blaine..shh..shh..I already told you, it's my fault, not yours..", Kurt assured him. He kissed the top of Blaine's head. "Please, stop crying.." Blaine sniffled for a few minutes before moving away from Kurt, taking a deep breath. "You haven't been eating or sleeping, Blaine?" Blaine shrugged. "Blaine..."

"It felt like it was all my fault, Kurt", Blaine whispered. "I-I thought I messed up what we had."

"And you thought punishing yourself was the answer? Baby...", Kurt trailed off. Blaine started to cry again. "Blaine, no, please.." Kurt wrapped his arms around him.

"It was..stupid, I promise I'll never do it again, I promise, I promise, I promise-"

"Shh, I believe you, Blaine...I believe you", Kurt replied. "...hey, Blaine, how long has it been since you showered?" Blaine pulled away from Kurt's embrace and looked at Kurt, skeptically.

"Do I really smell that bad?", he asked. Kurt shrugged lightly.

"I mean..nothing a little soap and water can't fix", Kurt hesitantly replied. Instead of the scoff he was expecting, Blaine laughed lightly.

"Well then, if I take a shower, will you join me?", Blaine asked, grinning mischievously. Kurt froze momentarily.

"W-what?", he stuttered. "You to take a shower with you?"

"Yeah, why not?", Blaine replied. "Unless you don't feel comfortable with that."

"I...don't, but I-I... let's do it", Kurt stammered. Blaine smiled and grabbed Kurt's hand, leading him to the bathroom.


"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, where have you been?!", Rachel shouted as soon as Kurt entered the apartment. "We— I have been worried sick about you! What made you decide to sneak out while Finn was sleeping?!" Kurt calmly set his jacket on the couch.

"I...went over to Blaine's", he said, just as calmly. "Oh, yeah, we made up, if you even care."

"What if something happened to you?! What if those guys came back and decided to beat you up again?!", Rachel continued.

"Rachel, Rachel, shut up, I'm fine", Kurt replied. "Someone came over and made me realize I should forgive Blaine, and I'm fine now. everything is actually amazing."

"Well...I...I'm glad you're ok, I was really worried about you..", Rachel whispered. "And..I guess I'm glad you and Blaine are ok."

"...thank you", Kurt replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm very tired, so I think I'm gonna go take a nap." With that, Kurt went into his room, shutting the curtain behind him. 

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