Chapter 6: fling, fling! hello?

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Blaine waited outside the NYADA building with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Hey, stranger", he said when he saw Kurt walk out of the building. Kurt looked very surprised to see him.

"W-what are you doing here?", he asked as Blaine handed him a cup of coffee. "How'd you know I had class today?"

"I went to your apartment, Rachel said you were here, and I stopped to get coffee on the way", Blaine replied, smiling.

"You know my coffee order?", Kurt asked, taking a sip of the coffee. Blaine tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"You know mine, it's only fitting that I know yours", he said. "Are you done with classes for the day?" Kurt nodded.

"Thankfully", he replied. "Why?"

"Well...I was thinking I could take you back to my apartment...get to know me a little more..", Blaine replied, shrugging. "If you want..." Kurt nodded, smiling.

"Yes please!", he said, a little too eagerly he realized. Blaine laughed.

"Is it okay if we walk?", he asked his boyfriend. "It's a pretty far walk, but I don't feel like taking a cab.." Kurt's smile never left his face as he nodded.


"This really was a far walk", Kurt noticed as he and Blaine approached Blaine's apartment building. "Quite a long walk from my work, makes me wonder why you were so hell-bent on coming in every day." Blaine shrugged as they walked up the flight of stairs.

"I was in the area", he replied.

"You were in the area every day?" Blaine shook his head.

"I was in the area the first time, once I saw you, I knew you were worth the walk every day", he smiled, putting his key in the keyhole. "Oh! Before we go in, I do have to warn you that I have a roommate."

"I see, one new thing I know about you already", Kurt smiled. The first thing he noticed when he walked into his apartment was that it was much nicer than his and Rachel's, but it was certainly smaller. Kurt watched a, blonde, half-naked guy coming out of one-

"Sam! What are you doing?!", Blaine exclaimed, covering Kurt's eyes with his hand. The blonde guy, Sam, shrugged.

"I just got out of the shower, I forgot where I put my boxers", Sam replied. Blaine sighed.

"Sam, this is my boyfriend, Kurt. Kurt, this is my roommate, Sam", he said. Kurt held his hand out for the guy to shake, which he did. "Sam, get dressed, please."

"But, dude, isn't he really into that sort of thing? My abs, I mean", Sam replied. Kurt blushed and caught Blaine's eye. Blaine shook his head and sighed.

"I mean, yes, but also no, not everyone likes your abs, Sam", he said. Sam laughed as if Blaine was lying.

"But you did", Sam replied. Kurt gave Blaine a "what is he talking about."

"Goodbye, Sam", Blaine said, sighing.

"Wait, before you kick me out, I have to tell you that a guy stopped by looking for you, just a little bit after you left actually." Blaine raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to have to be more specific than that, Sam. What was his name?" Sam thought for a moment.

"I think it was Sebastian...Smith", he replied.

"Got it", Blaine said as Sam went into his bedroom to get dressed.

"Who's Sebastian Smith?", Kurt asked, following Blaine to his couch. Blaine sat down and Kurt straddled his lap.

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