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"Anastassia? Can you hear me?"

Anastassia groans lowly as the sound of monitors beeping fills her eardrums. Her eyes were heavy, heavier than usual. She was having a hard time peeling them open. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get her hazel eyes to open.

Feeling pains rushing through her veins she begins to whimper lowly.

"Shh, relax. It'll take a few tries to get your eyes to open but just relax, take a deep breath and try again." The comforting voice speaks softly to her.

Ana's mouth was dry, drier than usual as well preventing her from responding verbally. Instead she does as the woman instructed and sucks in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. She focuses all of her strength on getting her eyes to open, a task that was proving to be harder than she ever could've imagined.

A few more moments pass and she's finally able to get her eyes open again. Anastassia's deep hazel eyes flutter open and she lays her eyes on a older white woman who gives her a warm smile. She squints as the bright white lights in the room flood her irises.

"Here drink this." The woman speaks while handing her a cold cup of water.

Anastassia nods and sits up as quickly as her weak body will allow her to. She sips from the straw gulping down the water in an instant.

"Want some more?"

Anastassia nods and takes the second cup from the woman. She sips slower this time as she drinks noticing she was in a hospital bed in a large hospital room. Her brows furrows and she looks over at the woman who was now checking the beeping monitor next to her while scribbling on a chart.

"Wh-what am I doing here?" Anastassia speaks her voice coming out weak and scratchy.

The woman finishes her charting and sits next to Ana on the bed.

"You got into a bad accident about two months ago. You've been in a medically induced coma since you arrived. You don't remember?"

Anastassia's eyes fill with tears and she shakes her head. She couldn't remember anything that had happened, not the accident or being taken to a hospital.

"Do you know your name? How old you are? What year it is?"

"My names Anastassia. I'm 24?"

"25 now, your birthday was last week."

"Oh... it's 2021?"

The nurse nods and begins to check her vitals. Ana sits in silence trying to rack her brain and remember any detail that would give her clues as to what happened and how she ended up here.

"I'm going to get the doctor and let them know you're having some trouble remembering. Just relax. Your husband stepped out to get some food he should be back soon to help you remember some things better."

"Husband? I'm not married." Ana whispers.

"You are married. Don't get too worked up alright, we're going to get everything straightened out just sit tight. "

Anastassia nods slowly and sits back into the bed against the plush white pillows propped up behind her head. She looks over at the large window and watches the raindrops flow down, enjoying the natural soundtrack. Being left alone with her thoughts was making her anxious. She had so many questions, and only being able to remember a few basics about herself and nothing other than that was a scary feeling. As the minutes tick by she begins to think about her husband.

"Husband..." she whispers to herself again.

Anastassia had never been the kind of woman to want to be married or tied down. She was curious to see what kind of man he was to make her want to be a kept woman.

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