some truth

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The next morning Adonis leaves to handle some business leaving Ana in the condo alone. She paces the living room back and forth trying to piece together the dream she had the night before. Everything about it felt so real to her.

Too real.

The adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins in her dream she could still feel when she woke up suddenly. The fact that the door in the hall was somewhat cracked  had her interest peaked. She sucks in a deep breath and slowly heads down the hall toward the closet.

Ana rubs her manicured hand across the crack in the door. It wasn't fresh and had been somewhat fixed but not replaced like it should have been.
She twist the doorknob and everything in the closet looked different. None of the coats were hanging from the hooks and the shoes rack she had seen in her dream was nowhere to be seen.

Ana shakes her head full of curls and slowly backs out of the closet right as the front door opens and shuts. she looks down the hall and her eyes meet Adonis's who had a raised brow as he sat a bag of groceries down on the table.

"What you doing?" He questions.

"I was just looking around. You brought me here outta nowhere so I was getting familiar with the place.

Adonis nods and gives her a skeptical look before turning to unload the groceries from their bags. Ana heads down the hall and helps his put the food away in a uncomfortable silence. Once all the food is put away Adonis leans against the counter with his arms folded waiting on Ana to notice him looking.

"What is it?" Ana ask after taking a seat on the counter.

"Remember I told you that you couldn't lie to me? Tell me what you were really doing in that closet."

"Okay...  I had a bad dream last night where I was locked in a closet that looked just like that one. So, I took it upon myself to check it out and see if it was really the same closet or not. That's it."

Adonis nods seeming satisfied with her answer. He licks over his lips and motions her over to him. He holds her close and inhales her fruit scented shampoo.

Adonis did love Ana deeply, he just had a hard time controlling himself sometimes. He hoped that she wouldn't see that side of him again before she was in love with him like she was before she went into her coma.

"I'll never hurt you Anastassia. I love you." Adonis mumbles lowly while holding her tightly.

Ana nods and looks up at him. His soft brown eyes lock on to hers and he kisses her lips deeply.

"I know shit can be scary sometimes but I'm the one person who will never hurt you or lie to you baby. Trust me aight?"

"Okay." Ana responds giving him a soft smile.


Ana sits patiently waiting for Mariah to arrive at the park she had asked her to meet her at. After the dream she had feeling a little too real she needed to talk to someone about it, and since Rayn was obviously team Adonis she was going to have to seek the answers she was looking for from someone else.

"Hey Ana." Mariah speaks as she sits down next to her on the bench.

"Hey... how are you?"

"I'm alright just living one day at a time."

Ana nods and silence falls over them. She could feel the tension between them since the night at the club when Rayn had gone on her rant about Mariah wanting to sleep with Adonis.

Ana hadn't forgotten about it and was going to confront her about that after she talked about her dream.

"So, I asked you to come here because I need some answers... some real answers to what the hell is going on."

"Answers to what?" Mariah questions.

"How things were between me and Adonis before I lost my memory. I had this crazy dream the night we left the club about him chasing me through the house screaming and hitting me. It felt... so real Mariah.
Are you sure be never mentioned him putting his hands on me before?"

Mariah sighs and fiddles with her nails as Ana waits patiently for her to respond to her question.

"There was this one time... you had just gotten back from your honeymoon and you told me he was upset because he felt that you were being too nice to the driver. So once you got back home y'all got into this huge argument about him being insecure and you were sick of it. You told me he choked you and slapped you a few times. When I saw you a few weeks later you tried to convince me that it actually didn't happen but I knew better."

"Wow." Was all Ana could say. "That's the only time I ever mentioned anything like that?"

"Yeah. I mean I could take a wild guess and say it wasn't the only time he did it but that's the only confirmed time. He kept you in the house a lot Ana. We've been best friends since the third grade and once you got serious with him I went from seeing you four or five times a week to just twice a month if I was lucky."

Ana knew her claims couldn't be too far fetched because there were times since she had been home where Adonis had become a different person in a blink of an eye. Although he hadn't put his hands on her since she had been back she knew if she pushed him too far he would do it again.

"Is he the one who put me in the hospital?"

"I'm not sure. I was out of town visiting my family and when I came home I found out you were in the hospital, had been for a few weeks. Adonis kept me away, saying he didn't want me near you because I wasn't a good influence in your life."

"Hmm... sounds like him honestly. He hates me speaking to you."

"It's because I'm the only one who will be honest with you about who he really is."

"My next question is... did you really try to sleep with him? Be honest I won't get upset or anything." Ana speaks softly.

Mariah exhales a deep breath and speaks again.

"Back before you and Adonis met I was trying to get with him. We would all kick it with the same people when he was in LA, and since Hood was dating my cousin at the time I saw him often. You grew up a little more sheltered so you weren't out in the streets with me back then. He would act interested some nights and other nights he would act like I didn't exist. It was confusing."

"Did you two ever have sex?"

"Honestly no. I gave him oral a few times but that was it."

Ana twist her lips to the side and looks over at Mariah. She had said she wouldn't get mad, but hearing that her so called best friend had been with her husband before we pissing her off and makings her feel betrayal.

"Did I know this before I lost my memory?"

"No... I never knew how to tell you. And once he made it clear that he wanted you and only you I backed off and left him alone. No matter what Rayn says I did not try to sleep with him on your wedding night."

Ana just nods slowly, overwhelmed with the amount of information she had just received. Ana decides to take the information and find some kind of way to confront Adonis.

One way or another she had to know the truth.

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